
Archive for October, 2014





Abstain from all appearance of evil.
PSALMS 101:3.
I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

((( PHILIPPIANS 4:8 )))






Marc Roy



Abstain from all appearance of evil.
PSALMS 101:3.
I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

((( PHILIPPIANS 4:8 )))






The Wicked Generation I am just thankful God opened my eyes and the Holy Spirit taught me …… I was once a sinner who celebrated but by the Grace of God 

Many who condone this evil festivity is opening an evil spiritual realm on themselves unknowingly. Also, its a way of glorifying Satan’s kingdom

It is so evil! So thankful that God set me free.


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The Only Good Found On Halloween



It brings God glory when you separate yourselves from it.

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Halloween: demonically evil, or harmless fun?
(EPrata artwork)
Here are some different views on Christians celebrating or not celebrating Halloween.

Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry:What is Halloween? | Can Christians celebrate Halloween? / Origins of Halloween

Al Mohler: Halloween and the Dark Side: What should Christians Think?

Grace To You/Travis Allen:  Christians and Halloween

GotQuestions: Should Christians celebrate Halloween?

Kirk Cameron Called to ‘Repent’ for Encouraging Christians to Celebrate Halloween

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? Kirk Cameron & John MacArthur Think So [VIDEO]

Brent Larson at Crosswalk: Trunk or Treat?

LifeWay: Fall Alternatives to Halloween

EPrata photo

News Stories in the culture about Halloween

Women beheaded in what observers thought was a gruesome Halloween prank

[Ed. Note: There’s something wrong with a society that cannot figure out the difference between a grisly live murder and a holiday prank]

Good Girls Go Bad, For A Day

IN her thigh-highs and ruby miniskirt, Little Red Riding Hood does not appear to be en route to her grandmother’s house. And Goldilocks, in a snug bodice and platform heels, gives the impression she has been sleeping in everyone’s bed. There is a witch wearing little more than a Laker Girl uniform, a fairy who appears to shop at Victoria’s Secret and a cowgirl with a skirt the size of a tea towel. Halloween is a day to flaunt your inner vixen. Anyone who has watched the evolution of women’s Halloween costumes in the last several years will not be surprised that these images — culled from the Web sites of some of the largest Halloween costume retailers — are more strip club than storybook.

Millions spent on pet Halloween costumes

[Oy is all I can say]

  Friday, October 31, 2014


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“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:14-18

Source: Let God Be True!

Hallowe’en: The eve of All Hallows’ or All Saints’ Day celebrated the last night of October. In the Old Celtic calendar the year began on November 1, so that the last evening of October was the night of all the witches, which the Church transformed into the Eve of All Saints.Source: The Oxford English Dictionary.

1. The Druids invented the earliest Halloween celebrations. They were an order of Celtic sorcerers. The Bible condemns all sorcery and sorcerers (Rev. 21:8; 22:15).

2. November 1, the first day of the Celtic year, was a feast day to Samhain, lord of the dead, by the Druids. But the Christian God is the God of the living (Mark 12:27)!

3. The jack-o-lantern, large fires, and apple bobbing also come from superstitious paganism, as most any encyclopedia will prove; but God condemns the use of religious practices from unbelievers (Deut. 12:29-32; Jer. 10:1-2).

4. The only cultures and societies that masquerade religiously as evil characters around fires at night are patently pagan, God-rejecting, devil-worshipping nations, which Christians are to entirely reject (Lev. 18:24,28; Deut. 4:6; 9:5; 12:29-32; 18:9,14).

5. When God wrote the laws for Israel, all witches and any related persons were to be put to death, for He strongly hates anyone seeking to devils and witchcraft rather than to Himself (Ex. 22:18; Lev. 19:26,31; 20:6,27; Deut. 18:9-12; I Chron. 10:13-14).

6. God specifically commanded His people not to learn the dark customs of the nations around Israel, including all forms of witchcraft(Lev. 18:1-4; Deut. 12:1-4,29-32; 18:9-12).

7. The idolatrous practices of pagans are devil worship, no matter what the worshipper thinks or intends (Lev. 17:7; Deut. 32:17; II Chron. 11:15; Ps. 106:35-39; I Cor. 10:20).

8. The holy God condemns any observation of the religious traditions and customs of unbelieving pagans, even if you are doing it as a Christian to Him (Deut. 12:29-32).

9. The Catholic Church whitewashed the pagan customs with a new name to keep their pagan “converts” happy. But Jesus Christ declared that church to be the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth (Rev. 17:1-6; II Thess. 2:9-12; I Tim. 4:1-3).

10. The worshippers of God are to come out of Roman Catholicism by special warning from heaven (Rev. 18:4), and the celebration of Halloween as a non-pagan tradition is clearly and concisely traced directly to the Roman Catholic church. [The holidays celebrated by modern-day North America are the direct result of the efforts of the Catholic church – beginning in the Third century – to bring pagan beliefs and rituals into the church in an effort to attract pagans. This includes Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Lent, and many other Catholic customs and traditions.]

11. Halloween is an evil day originating with unbelievers and infidels, based on blackness, darkness, night, unrighteousness, and infidelity, which Christians should separate from and not even touch, if they want to be God’s children (II Cor. 6:14-18).

12. Christians burn anything that has to do with witchcraft, for they are commanded not to touch any unclean thing (Deut. 7:25-26; Acts. 19:13-20; Gal. 5:20; II Cor. 6:14-18).

13. Halloween is a worldly religious celebration of pagan origin, and Christians are not be conformed to this world, but rather to be transformed (Rom. 12:1-2).

14. When a devil or sorcerer meets God, he knows he is helpless; and one day God will cast all devils, sorcerers, and witches into the Lake of Fire (Ex. 7:11-12; 8:18-19; 9:11-12; Mark 1:24; 5:7; Rev. 21:8; 22:15).

15. The disciples of Jesus Christ and sons of God are to walk as children of light, not as the children of the darkness of this world (Acts 26:18; I Thess. 5:4-8).
[Related Article: The Sedgefield Community]

16. God’s true followers value His precepts on all subjects and hate any idea, opinion, or practice to the contrary (Ps. 119:128; Is. 8:20; II Tim. 3:16-17; I Tim 6:3-5).

17. Halloween is popular with the world, which is evidence that it is an abomination to God (Luke 16:15). Friendship with the worldmakes God your enemy (James 4:4).

18. If you must have Halloween, God has offered you a simple alternative. Become a great celebrator of Halloween and reject Christianity, because He cannot stand you polluting His name with your hypocrisy (Ezek. 20:39; Hos. 4:17; Amos 4:4-5).

19. The past lives of Christians had enough excess and sin to cover a lifetime, so there is no need to participate in this worldly, wicked, and pagan celebration (I Pet. 4:3-5).

20. Christians do not threaten “trick or treat” to anyone for any reason, so parents should not endorse such profanity (Gal. 5:14; Eph. 4:31-32; I Thess. 5:15; James 2:8), and neither do Christians deceive others with masks, even for a joke (Prov. 26:18-19; Rom. 13:13).

21. Paul condemned a compromising brand of Christianity that loves pleasure more than God and has a form of religion without authority or true discipleship (II Tim. 3:1-5).

22. The blessed God of heaven seeks worshippers to worship Him in spirit and in truth, according to the apostolic faith once delivered to the saints (John 4:23-24; Jude 1:3).

Abbreviated History and Customs of Halloween

“Hallowe’en. The eve of All Hallows’ or All Saints’ Day celebrated the last night of October. In the Old Celtic calendar the year began on November 1, so that the last evening of October was ‘old years’ night’, the night of all the witches, which the Church transformed into the Eve of All Saints.”
Source: The Oxford English Dictionary (Second Edition)

“Hallowe’en or All Hallows Eve, the name given to Oct. 31, as the vigil of Hallowmass or All Saints’ Day, now chiefly known as the eve of the Christian festival. It long antedates Christianity. The two chief characteristics of ancient Hallowe’en were the lighting of bonfires and the belief that this is the one night in the year during which ghosts and witches are most likely to wander abroad. History shows that the main celebrations of Hallowe’en were purely Druidical, and this is further proved by the fact that in parts of Ireland Oct. 31 is still known as Oidhche Shamhna, ‘Vigil of Sama’. This is directly connected with the Druidic belief in the calling together of certain wicked souls on Hallowe’en by Saman, lord of death.”
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica (14th Edition)

“The Druids, an order of priests in ancient Gaul and Britain, believed that on Halloween, ghosts, spirits, fairies, witches, and elves came out to harm people. They thought the cat was sacred and believed that cats had once been human beings but were changed as a punishment for evil deeds. From these Druidic beliefs come the present-day use of witches, ghosts, and cats in Halloween festivities.”
Source: World Book Encyclopedia (1959 Edition)

The American celebration rests upon Scottish and Irish folk customs which can be traced in direct line from pre-Christian times. Although Halloween has become a night of rollicking fun, superstitious spells, and eerie games which people take only half seriously, its beginnings were quite otherwise. The earliest Halloween celebrations were held by the Druids in honor of Samhain, Lord of the dead, whose festival fell on November 1.”
Source: Halloween Through Twenty Centuries (by Ralph Linton)

“It was the Celts who chose the date of October 31 as their new year’s Eve and who originally intended it as a celebration of everything wicked, evil and dead. Also during their celebration they would gather around a community bonfire and offer as sacrifice their animals, their crops, and sometime themselves. And wearing costumes made from the heads and skins of other animals, they would also tell one another’s fortunes for the coming year.
The celebration remained much the same after the Romans conquered the Celts around 43 A.D. The Romans did, however, add a ceremony honoring their goddess of fruit and trees and thus the association with apples and the custom of bobbing for them.”
Source: World Book Encyclopedia (Quoted in the Atlanta Journal on 10/16/1977)

“In the A.D. 800’s the church established All Saints Day on November 1 so that the people could continue a festival they had celebrated before becoming Christians. The mass that was said on this day was called Allhallowmas. The evening before became known as All Hallow e’ven or Halloween…. It means hallowed or holy evening.”
“Jack-O’-Lanterns were named for a man called Jack, who could not enter heaven or hell. As a result, he was doomed to wander in darkness with his lantern until Judgment Day.”
Source: World Book Encyclopedia (1959 Edition)

“Customs and superstitions gathered through the ages go into our celebration of Halloween, or ‘Holy Eve’, on October 31. The day is so named because it is the even of the festival of All Saints, but many of the beliefs and observances connected with it arose long before the Christian Era, in the autumn festivals of pagan peoples…. Even after November 1 became a Christian feast day, honoring all saints, the peasants clung to the old pagan beliefs and customs that had grown up about Halloween…. Our Halloween celebrations today keep many of these early customs unchanged.”
Source: Compton’s Encyclopedia (1978 Edition)


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There are many versions of halloween. This is one of them.

Do some major Deliverance on yourself for ever celebrating halloween. Burn any left over halloween stuff in your home. Don’t even open your doors to pass out “tracts”. If you do, then you are celebrating this unholy day.

No matter what you think of halloween, know that it is the very highest satanic holy day. As a Christian, you should not be observing it in any way, especially IN your church. The catholic church is responsible for this day to be placed in the church.

Halloween has never been a Christian holiday, and it has no place in the life of a born again Believer in JESUS CHRIST. In fact, it is an abomination to God, and we should take our stand firmly against it. As we look at its history, we find that its roots go deep into heathenism, paganism, satanism and the occult; and its modern expression is no better.


Celtic New Year

October 31 is the most important day in the satanic year. [It is known as the devil’s birthday.] It marks the Celtic new year. It was the end of the growing season. It became a festival of death. On this day, the god of the Celtics was to have called up the spirits of the wicked dead who had died during the past year. At the same time, other evil spirits arose and went about the countryside harassing the people. On October 31, the Celtics expected to be harassed by ghosts, evil spirits and demons; and it was no fun and games to them. They would light bonfires to guide the spirits to their own town and to ward off evil spirits.


The Celtics had priests called druids. On October 31, the druids went from house to house demanding certain foods, and all those who refused were cursed. The people were tormented by means of magic. As they went, the druids carried large turnips which they had hollowed out and on which they had carved demon faces as charms. Each one was believed to contain the demon spirit that personally led or guided that priest: his little god.


Those who practiced fortune telling and divination found that this was the night that they had the most success. They called upon satan to bless their efforts. One form of divination was to put apples in a tub and bob for them. The one who first successfully came up with one without putting them in his teeth was to have good luck throughout the year. They would then peel the apples and throw the peeling over their shoulders and then quickly look around. They expected to see a vision or an apparition of the one they were to marry.


These things happened several centuries before CHRIST. Sacrifices were made to the gods, especially the god of death – Samhain (pronounced Sah win). Sacrifices all the way from vegetable to human were offered. This went on and on, and, in some parts of the world, still goes on today.


In the 8th century, the Pope, in an effort to get the people to quit the festival of Sam hain, invented All Saints Day (Nov. 1). This was an attempt to get the people to turn away from the horrible observance of Sam hain. All Saints Day was intended to honor the martyrs of the Roman persecutions. It did not work! It never works to Christianize a pagan holiday. The holy and the profane do not mix.


In the Middle Ages, there was a great revival of satanic practices and witchcraft and magic – like there is today. During this time the belief developed that witches traveled on broomsticks to the black Sabbaths to worship satan on October 31. They were guided by spirits in the form of black cats. The Druids worshiped cats believing them to be reincarnated evil people.


This festival of death has survived all the efforts of the church to stamp it out. The church is joining the opposition by celebrating this festival.

All Saints Day became All Hallows Day. Hallow means holy or sacred. October 31 is the evening before All Hallows Day and came to be called in the western world all hallows evening and then all hallows een. Een is an abbreviation for evening. Finally, the word was reduced to the way we have it today, Halloween. That’s where the name came from, and even if it is called all hallows evening, it has nothing to do with Christian faith, and it never did.


Now let’s look at the present day celebration of Halloween. Isn’t the whole theme one of darkness, death, fear, threats, destruction and evil? There are witches, broomsticks, bats, owls, ghosts, skeletons, death, and monsters. You dress up your children as demons and witches and ghouls and monsters and werewolves and send them out into the street in the darkness to reenact the Druids’ practice of demanding food from people under threat of tricks (or curses) if they don’t comply.

You take, not a turnip, but a pumpkin and carve demon faces in it and decorate with it.

At Halloween there will be apple bobbing, divination, fortune telling, haunted houses, candles lit and spirits called up. There will be seances and ouija boards in the name of fun and excitement. There will be sacrifices of dogs, cats, rats, chickens, goats and even humans!

You say, “Well, we don’t take it seriously.” But the devil does and so does God. Particularly this is true when the Church which He purchased with His own precious blood builds houses of horror in its fellowship halls so that the little lambs who have been entrusted to its care can be terrified and opened up to invading spirits of fear and torment and confusion.

How this must Grieve the Lord!

Scriptural References:

Hosea 4:6; Ezekiel 44:23; Deuteronomy 18:9-14; 7:25-26; James 1:27; II Corinthians 6:14; I Corinthians 10:19-23; I Thessalonians 5:21-23; Philippians 4:8.

The following was taken from the PENSACOLA NEWS JOURNAL on October 24, 1994 in the children’s section called “Chalk Talk”:

Vocabulary – Costume (Kas toom): The style of dress, including accessories, of a certain country, period or profession.

Druid (droo id): A member of a Celtic religious order in ancient Britain, Ireland and France.

Halloween (Halo ween): The evening of Oct. 31, which is followed by All Saints’ Day.

Samhain (Sa man): The demonic god of death worshipped by the Druids.

  1. When and where did the customs that eventually evolved into Halloween begin?

  2. Three hundred years before JESUS was born; among a group of people called the Celtics who lived throughout the British Isles, Scandinavia and western Europe.

  3. Who started it?

  4. A secret society of priests and pagans called the Druids, who served the demonic god of death — Samhain.

  5. How did the custom begin?

  6. Each year on Oct. 31, the Druids celebrated the eve of the Celtic new year with the Festival of Samhain.

  7. What did the Druid priests do during the festival?

  8. They would go from house to house demanding all sorts of foods to offer to Samhain. If the village people would not give them the foods, they would speak a curse over the home. History claims then that someone in the family would die within a year. This was the origin of “trick or treat.”

  9. Where did the Jack-O-Lantern come from?

  10. When the Druids were going house to house seeking food for Samhain, they would carry a large turnip that had been hollowed out. A face was usually carved on one side and a candle was placed inside to provide light as they walked from house to house. The Druids believed a SPIRIT inhabited the turnips and helped the Druids carry out their spells. The name of the SPIRIT eventually became JOCK.

  11. How did pumpkins come to be used and where did the name Jack-O-Lantern come from?

  12. When the practice came to America in the 18th and 19th centuries, turnips weren’t that prominent, so the pumpkin was substituted. JOCK became Jack, who lives in the lantern or Jack-O-Lantern.

  13. Where did the name Halloween come from?

  14. During the ninth century, the pope declared Nov. 1 be called All Saints’ Day and would be set aside to honor all the martyred saints of the Catholic church. Oct. 31 became the eve of All Saints’ Day. The Mass said on All Saints’ Day was the Allhallowmas. Over the years, the evening before All Saints’ Day became known as All Hallow’s Eve, All Hallowed Eve, All Hallow E’en and finally Halloween.

  15. Where did the tradition of dressing in costumes come from?

  16. In Ireland, during the festival of Samhain, children would dress like IMPS and fairies to lead the ghosts and goblins out of town after the Feast of Samhain. In England, after All Saints’ Day was created, children would dress in each other’s clothes and go door-to-door begging for soul cakes.

Here is a letter that can be sent to “Letters to the Editor”. It is 200 words long.



You can call a duck a horse, cow, cat, etc., but it is still a duck. You can call what you do a “fall festival”, “alleluia party”, etc., but you are still observing halloween, even if you dress up as bible characters. Halloween is the highest satanic holy day of the year.

On October 31st, the high priest of all witch covens are required to make a human sacrifice. God condemns witches and everything to do with them. The head of the first satanic church said, “a witch is a witch”, when referring to black and white witchcraft. All their power comes from the devil.

People think it’s funny to scare people to “death”. II TIMOTHY 1:7 says, “For God has not given to us the spirit of fear…”. So guess who is scaring you?

Tell your children the truth about halloween. Revelation 21:8 says liars won’t make it to heaven. Then, parents, you will be doing your job as the high priest of the family like you are suppose to be. If you open your doors to pass out tracts, you are still observing halloween. Why don’t you pass them out another time?

Stop being worldly, Christians.”

The following article came from THE CLARION-LEDGER of Jackson, Mississippi on July 13, 1996:


Arvada, Colo. — A controversial Halloween spectacle called Hell House, dramatizing real-life horrors from abortion to teen suicide, is being marketed nationwide.

The Abundant Christian Life Center, which produced last year’s Hell House, is SELLING how-to kits to CHURCHES around the country for $149. For another $15, the CHURCHES also can get the compact disk of Hell House’s awful sounds.

The CHURCH has spent about $10,000 marketing and producing the kits.

‘God allowed this to happen for His glory and honor,’ said the Rev. Keenan Roberts, youth pastor and the writer-director of Hell House. ‘And we needed to cultivate it and share something with such a radical impact. We want to shake other cities like we did Denver.’

More than 5,000 people saw Hell House during the five nights it was staged last October. At $5 a head, the CHURCH took in $25,000 last year and made a $17,000 profit.

Supporters say the gory dramatization, which included a ‘funeral’ for a person who died of AIDS, a simulated abortion, and hell, was necessary to reach a sinful world.

But others call Hell House nothing more than a MONEYMAKING SCHEME that preaches hatred and intolerance.”

The following booklet came from Pat Holliday, Miracle Outreach Ministries, 9252 San Jose Blvd #2804, Jacksonville, Florida 32257

Spirit of Halloween

“For Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,” 1 Sam. 15:23,



Witches are for Halloween or for superstitious primitives in seventeenth century Salem. That seems to be the “modern” outlook sophisticated skepticism and a knowing smile when it comes to witchcraft.

And yet Time’s recent cover story would indicate that witchcraft is not a thing of the past. Satan is not dead. Young people by the thousands are probing seriously the mysteries of “the other side,” from seances to Satan worship. Leading universities report over-enrolled courses on witchcraft . . . occult book sales have doubled in three years . . . most American high schools have their campus “witches and warlocks” . . . And occasionally the headlines shatter our complacency with the terror of Manson-style violence.

Halloween is celebrated by children in the United States. This issue is becoming debatable inside of Christian circles because of the rise of the occult in America.

Witchcraft-Satanism revivals and their obvious tie with pagan holiday causes Christians to question if the church should participate in Halloween.

Children are in costumes and masks with Halloween pumpkins of ‘Jack O’ Lanterns’ name for (Will Wisps) an ancient symbol of a damned soul, too long considered harmless fun, and innocent pranks.

Halloween is celebrated masquerading as Church fund-raising bazaars decorated with black cats and witches; skeletons, scarecrows, haunted houses, bats, vampires and dummies in coffins. It should not be integrated with the holiness of the scared house of God. It’s wicked and brings curses, (Deut. 11-36, 28.)

Some see it as evil and will have nothing to do with the celebration; others as harmless fun partake fully: costume parties, Halloween decorations and ‘trick-or-treat. Still others try to find a “middle” approach, allowing trick-or-treat and masquerades, but as “Bible characters” instead of demonic and occult figures.

Some Churches are now seeing the influence of its fruit. One cannot deny the occult-metaphysical nature of Halloween is not in line with the Christian in character. Despite this clear contrast, Christians defend their complicity in the holiday asserting their “liberty” in Christ from the bondages of “legalism,” declaring it is only innocent fun! God never gave us liberty to engage ourselves in evil!

“Learn not the way of the heathen . . . for the customs of the people are vain,” (Jeremiah 10:2-3).

“And what concord hath Christ with Belial or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate,” (II Corinthians 6:15-17).


The Bible clearly teaches that there is both a natural, material world as well as an invisible and spiritual world. The domain of physical human beings is the physical world, whereas the “heavenlies” are people or occupied by spirit beings. Among these spirit beings there are two classes, the good and the evil.

In the Scriptures, both holy and unholy spirit beings are designated as angels (Revelation 12:7). Unusually the unholy angels are referred to as demons, translated in the King James Version as devils.

They are called seraphim, cherubim, angels, principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, (Ephesians 6:12), thrones, dominions (Colossians 1:16), fallen angels (2 Peter 2:4), spirits in prison (I Peter 3:18-20), demons, seducing spirits (I Timothy 4:1).

There are an “innumerable company of angels”, (Hebrews 12:22). They are referred to as “mighty angels” but they are not almighty (2 Thessalonians 1:7). One angel destroyed 185,000 of the Assyrian army in a night (2 Kings 19:35),. One angel rolled away the stone from the tomb of Jesus and one angel will bind Satan and cast him into the “bottomless pit”. They are glorious beings according to Luke 9:26 and they seem to posses great knowledge but they are not omniscient — all know. The angels are “all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister (serve) for them who shall be heirs of salvation” (Hebrews 1:13-14). They are also responsible for ‘taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ’ (2 Thessalonians 1:7-8).

The chief of the fallen angels is an archangel who has at least forty names given in Scripture. Some are proper names, others are descriptive. For example, in Revelation 12:10 he is called the “accuser of the brethren”. He is called “that old Serpent”, (Revelation 20:2), indicating his guile, Lucifer, “Son of the Morning”, (Isaiah 14:12), his title when he fell. Devil means “accuser or slanderer”, and it is of Greek origin (Revelation 12:9). Satan means “adversary or resister”, and is of Hebrew origin; “Apollon”, means “destroyer”, the term ” Dragon”. speaks of his power. He is also called “Prince of devils.” (Matthew 9:34), “Prince of this world”, (John 12:31), “Belial”, is implied to be his title in II Corinthians 6:15. In II Kings 1: 2, 6, 16, he is referred to as “Beelzebub”, implying a prince of demons. As Dr. Lewis S. Chafer says, “In power, prominence and importance, Satan appears in the Bible second only to the Trinity.”

Two of his most powerful names are:

” The prince of the power of the air”, (Ephesians 2:2) and ” the god of this world”, (age) (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Satan’s origin is shrouded in mystery. There are two passages of Scripture to explain his origin. Ezekiel 28:11-19 and Isaiah 14:12-17.

Dr. Chafer points out the “Demon influence, like their activity, is prompted by two motives: both to hinder the purpose of God for humanity, and to extend the authority of Satan. They therefore, at the command of their king, willingly cooperate in all his God-dishonoring undertakings. This influence is exercised both to mislead the unsaved and to wage an increasing war against the believer,” (Eph. 6:12).

Derek Prince writes, “Today, by divine providence, the veils of convention and carnality are once again being drawn aside, and the church of Jesus Christ is being confronted by the same manifest opposition of demon power that confronted the church of the New Testament. In these circumstances, the church must once again explore the resources of authority and power made available to her through the truth of the Scripture, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and the Name and the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The Bible warns: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour,” (I Peter 5:8).

He is after you, your family and your children!


No one can dabble in the occult and come away unshackled. It is not harmless games and fun. Occult involvement whether done innocently or not, is disobedience to God’s Word. When people ignore God’s warning and enter a forbidden realm, they witness spiritual phenomenons. The Devil does have supernatural power. However, everything he does for people, he requires payment. The result of occult involvement causes oppression, depression, confusion, delusion, and physical ailments of all sorts. We are warned not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices in (II Corinthians 2:11).

Playing with the occult has become very attractive to Americans. Every where you go, you will witness occult activity. It is blatant. Psychic and astrologers are using 900 numbers. Occult themes are being worked into many television programs. Talk shows are featuring astrologers, divinatory, clairvoyants, scientologists, Satanists, witches, psychics, crystal gazers, dream analysis, yoga, reincarnations, hypnotists, fortune-tellers, spiritualists, parapsychologists, numerologists and New Agers. Even Disney World is deeply involved in the promotion of the occult.

“Many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an Antichrist. Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds,” 2 John 7.

Michael Harper writes these encouraging words: “These wicked beings can suggest evil, but cannot coerce the will of another creature. They may spread snares and device to ruin the children of God, but cannot compel any other being to comply with their designs, nor can they employ God’s creation other than as He decrees. They have never been able to defeat God, and actually God uses them as instruments to correct the erring Saints. See Luke 22:31-32; I Corinthians 5:5; I Timothy 1:20.

Someone has remarked that Satan is like a monkey wrench which the Lord uses to tighten up loose nuts! Be of good cheer, saints of God! Satan is severely limited and all his bluster and bluff about “all power” is sham. Our God is still on the throne and He rules! Hallelujah! Remember you choose to participate with the wiles of the devil. You are also called to educate your children concerning his games. “Success for the Christian will depend in a large measure on recognizing the work of the devil and knowing how to defeat and expel him from every situation…” says Michael Harper.



Halloween or ALL HALLOWS’ EVE, was originally a festival of fire for the dead and the powers of darkness. It is the evening of 31 October, the night before the Christian festival of Hallows’ or ALL SAINTS DAY.

All Hallows’ Day commemorates the saints and martyrs, and was first introduced in the 7th century. Its date was changed from May 13 to November 1 in the following century, probably to make it coincide with and Christianize a pagan festival of the dead. All Souls’ Day in the Roman Catholic calendar is November 2. It is marked by prayers for the souls of the dead.

Before the coming of Christianity, the pagan Celts in northern Europe held two great fire festivals each year, Beltane on the eve of May 1 and Samhain on the eve of November 1 to mark the beginning of summer and winter. These dates have no connection with the equinoxes or solstices, or with sowing and reaping, but seem to date from very early times when Celtic society depended heavily on cattle for subsistence. Samhain marked the beginning of winter and was the time when the cattle were brought in from pasture to spend the winter under cover. It was also the beginning of a new year. Because the Celtic day started at sunset, and ran to the following sunset. The festival began on the eve of November 1.

Bonfires on high hills were a blatant feature of The Old Halloween rites, though in England they have been gradually transferred to November 5 to mark the arrest of Guy Fawkes. In the 1860’s a traveler in Scotland counted 30 fires on the hilltops between Dunkeld and Aberfeldy, each with a circle of people dancing round. Down to the end of the 19th century, fires blazed on the hills in Lancashire on the eve of All Hallows. In north Wales every family built a bond fire and each person threw into the ashes a white stone which he had previously marked. Prayers were said round the fire and next morning if a stone was missing, it was thought that its owner would die before he saw another Halloween. The same belief existed in the Scottish Highlands and many forms of fortune telling were a traditional feature of Halloween – probably because it was the Celtic New Year’s Day and so a suitable time for predicting the events of the coming years.

In Aberdeenshire and Buchan in the 19th century, boys collecting fuel for the bonfire would ask for ‘peat’ to burn the witches. When the fire was lit, the boys danced round it shouting “Fire! Fire! Burn the witches.” When the fire died down, the ashes were scattered and when the last spark had gone out, the cry went up into the ominous darkness. “The devil takes the hindmost” and they all ran for their lives. In Wales ‘the cropped black sow’ would take the hindmost.

All Hallows’ Eve was a night when the dead stalked the countryside. Offerings of food and drink were put out for the ghosts. They passed by to the west always, the direction of the dying sun at sunset.

The fairies could also be seen moving from one fairy hill to another with the music of bells and elf horns. They were sometimes identified with the dead.

Darker and colder creatures still roamed through the night on Halloween – demons and hobgoblins, witches who straddled broomsticks or shank bones, flew in the sieve or eggshells, or rode on coal-black horses. The fires helped to keep them off and at Balmoral in Queen Victoria’s time the effigy of a hideous old witch was ceremoniously burned on a bonfire at Halloween.

The guisers went from house to house, singing and dancing. Their bloodcurdling masks and grotesque costumes may have been meant to keep evil at bay or, more likely, were some visible representations of the ghosts and goblins that lurked in the night. The masks have now been transferred to the children who, in the United States, visit the neighbors for the food-offerings which once belonged to the dead – or play tricks akin to the legendary destructiveness of witches and imps abroad on this night.

“When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abomination of those nations,” (Deut. 18-9).


A very popular Halloween custom is the wearing of masks, (false faces) such as, witches masks, devil masks, cat masks, bat masks, monster masks, and the list goes on. People hide behind all sorts of ‘masks.’ Some hide behind ‘hats’ and still others, including many of today’s youth, and others, hides behind dark sunglasses.

From earliest times, people all over the world have worn masks for all sorts of reasons . . . droughts, epidemics, or other disasters. They hoped that the demons who had brought the disaster would see the mask and think they were demons, too, and be frightened off. In imaginative primitive societies, a mask was more than a means of changing one’s appearance; it was a link with the world of the spirits, a channel by which men could tap the forces of the supernatural. The wearing of a mask was believed to change a man’s identity and personalities, for the assumed appearance was believed to affect the wearer’s inner nature and to assimilate it to that of the being represented by the mask.

During the middle ages, witches often put on masks or smeared their faces with soot and paint. People of nobility attending a witch’s Sabbath would always arrive ‘masked.’

Masks can be divided into two categories, the religious and the profane. Masks are worn by the dancers in the religious ceremonies of West African Tribes. The theater of ancient Greece is an example of the secular use of the mask. The use of the masks enabled actors to double and triple the number of parts they could play during any one performance.

Protection against supernatural dangers is a function of masks worn in certain ritual situations, such as at funerals. This is done ‘in order to avoid recognition by the souls of the dead.’ Masks are sometimes worn by ‘warriors’ to symbolize a superior power by identifying themselves with this force. While there are civilizations where the mask plays an important role in ritual activities, there are regions of the world where the wearing of a mask is unknown.

Masks are worn in some initiation ceremonies of certain organizations. The wearer of the mask partakes of the power of the divinity or spirit which the mask symbolizes. Thus, the wearer of the mask is believed to be elevated above the common mass of the uninitiated.


History traces to the ancient religion of the Druid, a religion so evil that Rome forbad its practice. The American Peoples Encyclopedia explains, “The origin of Halloween customs antedate Christianity. The Druids (members of pagan orders in Britain, Ireland and Gual) Festival of Samhain. It was a night of ghosts and faeries, in which bonfires were built and futures were foretold and witches rode through the sky.”

Superstitions linking cats with reincarnation made them special objects of notice on Halloween. Numerous legends surrounded the holiday, but two significant things supposedly occurred on that night:

First, it was believed that the dead would rise out of their graves and wander the countryside, trying to return to the homes where they formerly lived. Frightened villagers tried to appease these wandering spirits by offering them gifts of fruits and nuts. If not placated villagers, feared that the spirits would kill their flocks or destroy their property. This the origin of our present day Trick-or-treat! In a custom born out of superstition, and pagan superstition at that!

Also, it’s a blasphemous perversion of the Christian belief in the Resurrection, in a glorified, immortal body. In Druidism, the dead are raised as horrifying creatures of the night, hideous monsters, decaying skeletons, vampires, etc., they received not glorified bodies but grotesque ones; not immortal bodies but inhuman ones.

Second, Samhain was the supreme night of Demonic jubilation. This was a celebration of the beginning of ‘Winter and Darkness,’ as day light grew noticeably shorter, and night lengthier. The hoards of hell would roam the earth in a wild celebration of darkness and death, all in honor of Samhain! The poor mortal forced to travel on such a night! The only thing the superstitious people knew to do to protect themselves on such an occasion was to masquerade as one of the demonic hoard, and hopefully blend in unnoticed among them! This is the origin of Halloween masquerading as devils, imps, orgres, and other demonic creatures.



Bats . . . Brooms . . . Witches . . . Ghouls . . . Ghosts . . . Goblins . . .

. Skeletons . . . Jack o’ Lanterns . . . every type of gory, ugly thing that can be imagined and people dressed as creatures of the world of the dead or the unknown world of hobgoblins and devils.

The modern sophisticate, who does not realistically face the evil and danger surrounding this time of year, may say, “Witches are for Halloween. It is a time for children to visit the neighborhood to get candy and apples. There is no harm in celebrating Halloween with its witches and devils.” To some, ‘witches’ are figments of the imaginations of the superstitious seventeenth century Salem primitives.

If witches are for Halloween – a thing of the past, then why are so many young people and older ones alike being swept into the grips of Satan by ‘dabbling’ in those things which relate to him? 5

Anyone informed about witchcraft would tell you that there are certain rituals and spells that can only be cast on Halloween night. That is the night when the “veil” believed to separate the living from the dead is thought to be the thinnest and futures are easier and more accurately foretold by diviners.

Those who oppose Christ are known to organize on Halloween to observe Satanic rituals, to cast spells, to oppose churches and families, to perform sacrilegious acts, and to even offer blood sacrifices to Satan. Last year, newscasters in numerous cities warned their viewers to guard their animals on Halloween nights.

Dogs and cats are thought to be the most often sacrificed animals on Halloween. In rural communities it is not uncommon for farmers to awake to find the mutilated remains of their farm animals (cows, calves, chickens, even horses) that were ritualistically slaughtered in Satanic sacrifices. The practices that accompany such rites are almost too revolting to believe-the drinking of animal (or human) blood and urine, the digestion of entrails and orgiastic rituals, substance abuse becoming more frighteningly common across the U. S., as is human sacrifice.

Paulus Grillandus said of the practice of witchcraft: “Those witches who have solemnly devoted themselves to the Devil’s service, worship him in a particular manner with ceremonial sacrifices, which they offer to the Devil, imitating in all respects the worship of Almighty God, with vestments, lights, and other ritual observance, so that they worship and praise him, just as we worship the true God.”


If you thought Halloween was a time for cornstalks, pumpkins, apples, and apple cider – a time for children dressed in cute costumes of witches, goblins, ghosts or devils to knock at you door call “trick or treat,” you had better wise up. There is more to Halloween . . . much more! Halloween is not children’s play. It is an abomination in the eyes of God!

The Halloween Witch is a strange-looking female in black cloak and peaked hat riding a broomstick along with her symbolic cat. Her name is derived from the Saxon word wica, which means “wise one.”

Artists of the Middle Ages often showed witches preparing to fly off to one of their Sabbaths. It was believed that angels and devils were supposed to be able to fly, so it was easy to believe that witches, too, could fly. The broomstick, originally made from a stalk of the broom plant with a bunch of leaves at the head, was said to be used by poor witches who went on foot. The broom or pole was used to vault over brooks, streams or thorny patches. Due to its use as an indoor cleaning tool, the broom became the symbol of women. Before setting out for a Sabbath, witches would rub ‘Sacred’ ointment called ‘unguent’ into their pores. One ingredient in the ointment confused the mind. Another speeded up the witch’s pulse. Still, another numbed the feet. This gave them a feeling of flying. If they had been fasting, the ointment seemed to make them feel even giddier. Bat blood was another ingredient in that ointment. In England, during initiation ceremonies, new witches were sometimes blindfolded, smeared with the unguent, then placed on a broom.

The pealing of church bells was believed to be a defense against aerial witches. In the Slav countries people used to fire muskets at the clouds, screaming as they did so, “Curse, curse Herodius, thy mother is a heathen damned of God,” while others laid scythes and bill hooks on the ground, edge upward, to assure that the witches would not have a safe landing.

The black of a witch’s cloak reminds us that Halloween is a “festival of the dead.”


Trick and Treat is the fun time of many unsuspecting children and adults, but the “trick” is really on the one who is playing right into the trap of the devil. Halloween is a day of celebration for the devil and his worshipers.

The cauldrons are boiling; potions are brewing; the yule logs are blazing; the forces of Satan are in their height in rituals and ceremonies. The powers of the demonic world are loosed and they are running around crazily seeking bodies to enter.

Real witches held high revels on All Hallows’ Eve and this was one of the ways in which they preserved pagan customs. The witches of Aberdeen in 1596 said that they had danced round the market cross at midnight on Halloween and also round an old grey stone at the foot of the hill at Craigleuch, the Devil himself playing music before them.



In 1963, for instance, a journalist watched the Halloween festivities of a coven of witches at St. Albans. The high priestess, naked except for a string of beads and watched by the other 12 members of the coven, drew a circle on the ground with the point of her magic knife. A candle burned in each quarter of the circle, with a fifth candle on an altar in the middle. The reporter did not reveal the details of the ceremony but he did record a remark of the high priestess. “We are not anti-Christian, she said, we just have other means of spiritual satisfaction. It’s hard to describe that satisfaction.” 12


Rev. Irene A. Park, gives insight to modern rituals. Secret ceremonials, rituals, obligations and covenants are being kept by cultists and Satanists on particular days and nights. Multitudes are gathering in worship, prayer, and sacrifices to the god of the world, Lucifer.

Family spirits gather like a family reunion or holiday celebration in the natural or earthly realm; only these are the demon spirits of the departed dead that gather for rituals and sacrifice, (not ghosts but devils). Some of the demon spirits gather for rituals and sacrifice, some of the demon spirits present at the celebration come from embodied living clans or tribal members, (demons who lived in these people while they were alive).

These are the ones that are vying for the powers. Some come just to celebrate the traditional gathering and festivity’s.

Sometimes the assignments that the demon spirits receive bring about rebellion in the supernatural Satanic realm. The spirits want to continue to control the area they are in, whether body, nation, society, system or whatever control they received for their obedience to Satan. They do not want to be dislodged. They like to continue to embody members of the same family; they prefer humans but will settle for animals.

Millions of people are vying for power, supernatural powers of evil to work curses, hexes, spells, power to manipulate, controlling power over lesser forces of darkness and power to control this present world system!

A reformed witch once told me that vying for power meant that a supernatural battle ensues between the other covens. Whosoever demonstrated the greatest power won the control of certain areas, such as seas, cities, etc. Satan would give the witch a part of all illegal finances collected in her area. For instance, Laura Cabot has political control over Salem, Massachusetts and maybe over the entire state. Recently when Jeff Fendhold visited her occult book store, within thirty seconds the policemen were on the scene driving police cars with the symbols of a flying witch on the side. Then the Attorney General of that state called Jeff saying that he was wanted by the law for “harassing witches!”

Christians had better wake up and begin old time prayer meetings for this nation!

Dr. Parks writes, “Many of the people are saturated in demonology with demonic spirits and are already in control of government establishments, militaries, religious organizations, financial systems, educational institutions, etc. These spirits are superior and receive their origin in Satan and are under the powers of the familiar spirits (spirit guides) that work divination and will only impart power to those totally yielded to obedience and in every obligation required by Lucifer.

Witches, druids, wizards, magicians, sorcerers, pagans of every breed are in high mass, tribe and clan leaders are calling a reunion in the supernatural realm. These are Sabbaths to the worshipers of Satan, “people in the occult,” and they take these days very seriously.

Christians should begin to pray for their families, church leaders, and cover the children with the blood of Jesus and the protection of God during these days. There is no question that human sacrifices are occurring. Bind the powers of darkness and lose the power of God according Matt. 18:18. (There are more than two million children missing every year. Many too young to run away. At least 7,000 are found dead every year).

Dr. Parks says, “The highest Sabbath mass is the eve of October 31. This a time of proclaiming powers for control and leadership in the Satanic realm world systems. There are blood sacrifices offered up to the god of Baal worship, the sun god Ra, and to the goddess of fertility Diana.

Christians should begin their defensive spiritual warfare weeks before Halloween. Witches begin their preparation on the 18th day of October.

“On the 18th day of October, faithful followers of evils spirits gather for 13 days before the eve of Halloween of Sabbath. During this time they offer sacrifices (human or animal) to the god of the spirit world, Satan. These sacrifices are to obtain spiritual power. All the followers must give a blood sacrifice; some give their own blood, others offer an animal’s blood, the more power they want, the greater the sacrifice.

“There is every conceivable type of orgy happening from the 18th until 31st October. Disembodied spirits loosed from the bodies of animals are being vied for by spiritualists, witches, druids, wizards and Satan worshipers. All of the corrupt evil wickedness and vile filth one could imagine is happening. Something is happening in the open, but most of the spiritual activity is well guarded from every corner of the earth at the command of the Lord Druid. “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Ephesians 5:1, 11.


Accept God’s Word that He loves you and wants to give you an abundant life.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life,” (John 3:16.) “I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly,” (John 10:10.)

  1. Accept God’s word: that you are a sinner; and this separates you from God: that you must truly repent or “turn away” from sin. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23). “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord . . . ” (Rom. 6:23.) “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,” (Rom. 5:8.)

  2. Accept that Jesus Christ is our only contact with God. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6). “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 2:5).

  3. Receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord by your personal invitation. “But as many as received Him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God,” (John 1:12). “Behold I stand at the door and knock; If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into Him . . . ” Christ speaking (Revelation 3:20.)

Do you feel Jesus moving in your heart right now? This is how He knocks. Jesus wants in!

Will you receive Christ right now? You can be saved in seconds! Open the door and Pray:

Dear Father, I’m a lost sinner. I repent. Please forgive me and come into my heart and save me. Thank You for saving my soul! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you are backslidden, say the same prayer. The Lord loves you and will forgive you.

Obedience is the practical acceptance of the authority and will of God, including both the inward glad submission and the outward expressing of actions, reactions, words and thoughts.

Disobedience is evidence of rebellion and distrust in God, preference to self will and the lack of surrender to and desire for the will of God in all things. God expects obedience (Deut. 11:26-28). To choose Christ is to choose obedience, (John 14:15, 21). To become disobedient is to sin or rebel against God’s expectation and rights ( I Sam. 15:22,23)

“Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day: And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known,” (Deut. 11:26-28).

Sources: Pat Holliday, Ph.D., Solitary Satanist, 9252 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville, Florida, 32257. Systematic Theology, Vol. 2, Lewis S. Chafer, copyright 1947 by Dallas Seminary, Dallas TX, pg. 33. Expelling Demons, Derek Prince Publ., Ft. Lauderdale, Fl., 33302, Explaining Spiritual Warfare, Ed Roebert, Sovereign World, P.O. Box 17, Chichester, W. Sussex PO206YB, Nuprint Ltd, Station Rd. Harpenden, Herts AL 5 4SE. Roberta Blankenship, Escape from Witchcraft, Zondervan Books, Grand Rapids, Mi., 49505,Richard, Cavendish Editor, Man Myth ” Magic, An illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural, All Hallows’ Eve, p. 67, Raith Word Publications, P. O. Box 496, Arabi, La., 70032; Irene A. Parks, Seven Pagan High Masses ” Halloween, Tampa, Fla., ” The Witch That Switched, Halloween and Satanism, Phil Phillips and Joan Hake Robie Starbust Pub. P. O. Box 4123, Lancaster, Penn. 17604.

The following comments were received from another ministry.

Bonfires: The original word is bone fires. The bones of the sacrificed animals or humans said to appease Satan and endue his followers with heightened powers. Brooms for witches, wiccans, etc: Were and are used as part of a coven ceremony to heighten sexual frenzy and evoke more demonic powers. Pumpkins on porches with candles: Pumpkin on porch showed the people in the house has appeased evil spirits by giving of food, etc. Candle in it showed the people had not given anything. A member of their family was taken for sacrifice in the bone fire, while inward parts, usually fatty parts were put in the center of the hollowed out gourd with a wick in it. This appeased the gods of the druids and cursed the people in the house.
Sacrifices: The most pleasing sacrifice to Satan is something pure. The highest is a child, preferably newborn. Next a virgin, next an animal.
Prayers on Halloween Eve: Christians not informed about warfare and the power of the blood of Jesus are primary targets. Every curse imaginable is loosed this night with heightened power to bring them to pass. Some are immediate curses, some are curses that are spread out through the year, and some are “specialized curses”. Terror and fear are always sent with each curse to the victim.
Most holidays are paganistic: Easter (goddess of fertility), Christmas (many pagan and idol things). The one totally dedicated to Satan and his followers is Halloween.


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Are You Dancing with Darkness?


  An Invitation to the Occult?

Halloween – 1997

 Author: Chuck Missler

Source: Koinonia House-Update

This is always a difficult time for Christians, especially those with children. It has been suggested that for a Christian to be asked to celebrate Halloween is like asking a Holocaust survivor to celebrate Hitler’s birthday!

It is also a dangerous time for some, since many of the seemingly “harmless” involvements associated with Halloween can also be “entries” for the occult, and can prove very tragic for the unwary.

Pagan Background
In ancient Britain and Ireland, the Celtic festival of Samhain was observed on October 31, the end of summer. November 1 was the new year for both Celtic and Anglo-Saxon calendars and was one of the most important and yet sinister calendar festivals of the Celtic Year.

Settling in northern France and the British Isles, the Celtic people engaged in occultic arts and worshiped nature, giving it supernatural, animistic qualities. (Much like our Federal government is attempting to enforce today.)

The ancient Druids were the learned priestly class of the Celtic religion. Many of their beliefs and practices were similar to those of Hinduism, such as reincarnation and the transmigration of the soul, which teaches that people may be reborn as animals. The Druids believed that on October 31, the night before their New Year and the last day of the old year, Samhain, the Lord of Death, gathered the souls of the evil dead who had been condemned to enter the bodies of animals.

The Druids also believed that the punishment of the evil dead would be lightened by sacrifices, prayers and gifts to the Lord of Death. (This begins to reveal the strange link between this holiday and the non-Biblical concept of purgatory.)

The souls of the dead were supposed to revisit their homes on this day, and the autumnal festival acquired a sinister significance, with ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, black cats, fairies, and demons of all kinds said to be roaming about. It was the time to placate the supernatural powers controlling the processes of nature.

And, on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther drove a stake into the heart of many of the prevailing non-Biblical concepts by nailing his famous 95 theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany, which started the movement known today as the Reformation-the single most important event in modern history.1 Appropriately, he did this on Halloween.

Modern Halloween Traditions
In early American history, Halloween was not widely practiced until the 20th century, when it was introduced by the Irish Catholic settlements. Gradually, Halloween became a secular observance, and many customs and practices developed. The carved pumpkin may have originated with the witches’ use of a skull with a candle inside to light the way to coven meetings.

Since 1965 UNICEF, an agency of the United Nations, has attempted to incorporate into the Halloween observance the collection of money for the United Nations Children’s Fund. This exploitation by the ungodly United Nations of this pagan holiday seems strangely appropriate.

The Occult is Increasingly Popular
Halloween is, for many, a “crossover” involvement in which innocent games can lead to serious entanglement with real witches, neo-pagans, New Agers, and other occultists.

2 A common pastime is the use of a Ouija board to attempt to contact ghosts or spirits that are believed to be roaming about. This can lead to serious consequences including demon possession.

3 Demons have a vested interest in Halloween because it supports the occult, and it also offers novel and unexpected opportunities to control and influence people.

Forms of the occult can include mediums, channelers, clairvoyants, psychics, spiritists, diviners, mystics, gurus, shamans, psychical researchers, Yogis, psychic and holistic healers, astral travel, astrology, mysticism, Ouija boards, Tarot cards, contact with the dead, UFOs, and thousands of other practices which almost defy cataloging.

Occultism includes Satanism, astrology, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, theosophy, witchcraft and many forms of serious magic. It includes activities seeking the acquisition of “hidden” things-which are expressly forbidden by God in the Bible.

The Biblical View
Halloween practices can open the door to the occult and can introduce forces into people’s lives that they are not equipped to combat.

4 There is genuine power in the occult, but it is demonic power

.5Any serious study of Biblical demonology will reveal Satan as the power behind false religion, witchcraft, idolatry and the occult.

6 The Word of God makes it clear that these are all to be shunned as dangerous. There were many superstitions and false concepts in ancient Israel about which the Bible is silent. However, occultism, in any form, was punishable by death! Why?The spiritual power and reality behind idols involves demons.

7 The Bible commands us to shun occult practices. Mediums and spiritists are expressly prohibited.

8 Nowhere are such practices acceptable.

Your Protection
Intellect alone is insufficient. “If it were possible, it would deceive the very elect.” This is another example of the necessity to truly understand the Armor of God as outlined in Ephesians 6. This brief review was excerpted from our featured briefing package, Halloween: Invitation to the Occult?
[Related Article: Blending Witchcraft and Christianity]

End Notes

1. Manuscript by his son D. Paul Luther preserved in the library at Rudolstadt, quoted by F.W. Boreham in A Bunch of Everlastings or Texts That Made History, Judson Press, Philadelphia, 1920, p.20.

2. See Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Harvest House, Eugene OR, 1996.

3. The case studies underlying William Blatty’s The Exorcist indicate that the trouble all began with a child playing with a Ouija board.

4. Russ Parker, Battling the Occult, Inter-Varsity Press, Downer’s Grove IL, 1990, p.35.

5. Isa 47:9; Mt 24:24; Acts 8:7; 13:6-11; 16:16-19; 19:18-20; 2 Cor 4:4; Eph 6:7-11, 22; 2 Tim 3:8.

6. Deut 32:16,17; Ps 106:35-40; Acts 16:16-19; 1 Cor 10:19-21; 2 Thess 2:9, 10; 1 Tim 4:1f.

7. 1 Cor 10:20; Ps 106:37.

8. Lev 19:31; Deut 18:10, 11, 14 2 Chr 33:6.


– Missler, Chuck, Signs in the Heavens, The Mysteries of the Planet Mars Halloween: Invitation to the Occult? (briefing packages), Koinonia House, 1991-6.

– Ankerberg, John, and Weldon, John, The Facts on Halloween, Harvest House, Eugene OR, 1996. A key reference for this article.

– Sykes, Egerton, Who’s Who in Non-Classical Mythology, J.M. Dent, London, 1993.

– Patten, Donald Wesley, Catastrophism and the Old Testament, Pacific Meridian Publishing Co., Seattle WA, 1995.

– Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Harvest House, Eugene OR, 1996.

– Also the video, Halloween: Trick or Treat, Jeremiah Films, Hemet CA

This article was originally published in the
October 1997 Personal Update NewsJournal.

Link: about.me/gideonsword



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How Some Christian Leaders Deceive
The Church About The Rapture

Rock of Offence Special Commentary



Exposing Another False Teaching That Attacks
A Major Fulfillment of Christ’s Salvation

Why We Talk About the Rapture

Eschatology is the study of Bible prophecy involving end-time events, which includes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It is estimated that 1 out of every 25 verses in the New Testament is directly related to Christ’s promised return. However, when looking at all the Holy Scriptures (both the Old and New Testament), NEARLY ONE THIRD INVOLVES BIBLE PROPHECY. Spiritual leaders that refuse to discuss these issues are avoiding a large and important part of the Bible. Many believe that what is commonly referred to as “the rapture” falls under this area of “Eschatology”. For that reason many consider it “optional or nonessential”. Yet, we will see that this belief couldn’t be further from the truth.

THE RAPTURE REPRESENTS THE COMPLETION OF THE CHRISTIAN BELIEVER’S SALVATION. It is a major part of the redemptive plan that Jesus sacrificed His life to establish at the cross. The Christian’s adversary, the devil, has made it his goal to distort, discredit or — if he can – destroy the supernatural truths that empower our salvation. This demonic program of disinformation has existed since the days of the first century Church — and it’s claimed many victims. Unfortunately, the people our enemy uses are those with noble ambitions and good intentions. They are totally unaware of the source of the hidden influence in their teachings. Remember that the religious leaders who claimed to love and serve God were Christ’s most vicious opponents and critics. A favorite target is the rapture of Christ’s Church at the end of the age. When you hear certain leaders (and their followers) say, “There is no rapture” or, “the rapture only happens at the physical Second Coming of Christ” or, “the Church must go through the tribulation” or, “the pretribulational rapture is a modern delusional myth” — you are hearing this popular propaganda campaign designed to discredit, not only a major Biblical truth, but also those who correctly teach it. Since the subject of the rapture is directly linked to Christ’s salvation and His return at the end of the age, we feel it is necessary to expose this popular and mainstream disinformation campaign that can send inexperienced and uninformed believers astray in their faith.


The source of Confusion About
The Rapture

For many years, the heated debate about when the rapture occurs (or whether it exists at all) is always presented as a simple matter of looking at the teachings of Scripture. Yet, the Bible, particularly the New Testament, warns that things are not that easy. Since the first century, the Church has been embroiled in a fierce behind-the-scenes conflict between two theological belief systems. Both use the Holy Scriptures to support their doctrine — but, only one is correct. The first century apostolic leadership warns that the doctrine of the opposition is false, even though it “appears” to be based on the fundamental teachings of the Bible. It was this counterfeit theology (or false type of “faith in Christ”) that nearly destroyed the Galatian Church. At Rock of Offence, we repeatedly warn readers (to the point of being redundant) about the religious deception found in this particular doctrine. Despite the warnings, this subject continues to be ignored by most modern Christian believers. Acts chapter 15 discusses these two systems of faith. One is the doctrine of the “believing Pharisees” (these were Pharisees that believed on Jesus Christ), and the other is the New Covenant Gospel of Christ preached by Saint Paul.


Why Paul Warned About
The Danger of Deception

Today, a vicious battle exists on the Protestant side of the church between these two “faith systems”. One is known as “Reformed Theology” and the other is “Dispensationalism” (Note: Roman Catholicism has its own brand of reformed theology under a different label). To make matters worse, these two different systems of faith exist in countless variants with different names and cross all denominational lines.


Special Note: Since reformed theology is a close relative of the doctrine of the “believing Pharisees” from Acts chapter 15, we also refer to it in our commentaries as “Pharisaical religion”. Other common names include; the Galatian error, Galatian religion, Calvinism, New Calvinism, Holiness theology, Replacement theology, the error of Legalism, Christian Fundamentalism and Historic Christianity.


Reformed theology commonly uses a misleading method of Bible interpretation called “allegorizing Scripture”, which alters and redefines the Bible’s original intention. Dispensationalism avoids this practice by using a literal interpretation. Contrary to some popular beliefs, God designed His Word as “dispensational”. (More information is included under “Closing Thoughts” toward the end of this commentary) When it comes to Bible prophecy, especially discussions about the rapture, reformed theology and dispensationalism arrive at vastly different conclusions. Yet, both claim to represent the teachings of God’s Word. The side that’s in error insists that their view “is the clear and correct interpretation of Scripture”. This sets the stage for dangerous levels of deception and irreconcilable disputes involving, not only Bible prophecy and the rapture, but also the “truth of the Gospel”. This is why we agree with both Jesus Christ and Saint Paul and repeatedly warn about the dangerous, yet common practice of distorting the context of the Bible and allegorizing Scripture. Why? It changes the truth into a counterfeit teaching that leads believers astray in their faith.

Depending on which position you hold, the question of “when the rapture happens in relation to the tribulation” is different, but continues to look “Biblical”. The common practice of “allegorizing the original intention of Scripture” (Some call this “Spiritualizing Scripture”) is why Saint Paul constantly warned the Church “not to let anyone deceive you”. Why? It’s easy to be deceived when the Bible is misinterpreted by church leadership — and the misinterpretation is presented to church congregations as God’s original intention.


The Error of Confusing the Roles
Of Israel and the Church

At this point we must ask the all important question: What kind of deception is Paul is warning about?

Certain prominent leaders in the church attempt to redefine this doctrinal war as a minor difference of opinion that should be set aside to avoid disunity. However, according to the New Testament writings of Jesus, Peter and Paul, it involves the age-old struggle between heresy and truth. Church leaders avoid discussing such things like the plague because it angers some in their congregation and can lower overall attendance at meetings. Yet, many Christians claim that they left institutional churches because the leadership insisted on conducting their ministry on the premise, “Let’s just all get along” (also referred to as being “seeker-sensitive”). The first century apostolic leadership did not have this unbiblical mentality. They put truth first and let the congregational membership numbers conform to their teaching priorities. However, today this is called “intolerance” because it isn’t “sensitive” to the beliefs of others. Since when does the “belief of others” take precedent over the truth of Scripture? It’s unfortunate that the word “heresy” is thrown around so carelessly among Christians today. However, like it or not, anything that redefines or distorts the principles that govern our salvation is a heresy that carries eternal consequences. This is why Paul constantly gives a sober warning about being deceived.

The hidden influence (or error) that operates behind nearly all expressions of reformed theology is the belief that God has permanently rejected the original nation of Israel in the Bible and replaced her with the New Testament Church. They insist that God permanently rejected Israel because they crucified their Messiah. This belief causes its supporters to wrongly conclude that the Church is now, “The New Israel”. FOR THIS REASON, IT TAKES THE FORBIDDEN LIBERTY OF REASSIGNING ORIGINAL ISRAEL’S OLD TESTAMENT SPIRITUAL PROGRAM TO THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH. This toxic, yet popular doctrine is a derivative of “the believing Pharisee’s” doctrine recorded in Acts Chapter 15, WHICH WAS REJECTED BY THE FIRST CENTURY APOSTOLIC LEADERSHIP. However, in order to preserve Christian unity, this theology now goes unchallenged and dominates most of the teaching in the world-wide Christian Church. It’s now infecting the modern church because no one will stand up, as Paul did, and confront it. It is a major understatement to only say that this theology changes God’s intended message in the Bible. Saint Paul said that it “perverts the gospel of Christ” and preaches a counterfeit Jesus. Paul then warns that the preachers of this message are accursed. We must repeat; this is the same theology that nearly destroyed the Galatian Church of the first century. It provoked Saint Paul to write his letter to the Galatians, where he condemned the teachers of this doctrine using offensive terms. To save time and to receive a more detailed explanation of this emotional subject, we wrote several commentaries available below.

Avoiding The Error of Replacement Theology

The Spiritual Revolution of Jesus Christ


Why Do These Things Affect Our
Understanding of the Rapture?

When prominent theologians take the forbidden liberty of redefining the Church as, “The New Israel”, it causes serious distortions in our understanding of end time prophecy. The rapture is a “blessed event” reserved for the entire believing Church, who trusted Christ for salvation. However, there is the unfinished business involving Israel’s sin of rejecting and crucifying their Messiah. God has not forgotten this act committed nearly 2000 years ago. For this reason, the “Tribulation Period” (7 years in length) is God’s appointed time to judge Israel and bring her back into relationship with Himself. THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE TRIBULATION IS TO BRING ABOUT THE SALVATION OF UNBELIEVING ISRAEL AND TO JUDGE ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD FOR REJECTING HIS PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH CHRIST. Since it is intended as judgment for the rejection of God’s Son – the Tribulation Period holds no purpose for the Church that accepted and believed on Christ.


“I say then, hath God cast away his people (The Jews)? GOD FORBID. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. GOD HATH NOT CAST AWAY HIS PEOPLE WHICH HE FOREKNEW.” (Romans 11:1-2)

“For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. AND SO ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED….” (Romans 11:25-26 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)



The Dirty Secret

It is estimated that more than 8 out of 10 churches embrace some expression of reformed theology and the aberrant belief that the Church is “The New Israel”. This is a bedrock doctrine in many areas of what’s commonly called, Christian Fundamentalism. Since a majority are fooled into believing that God has replaced the original Israel with the New Testament Church, THEY CONCLUDE THAT THE CHURCH (NOW CALLED “THE NEW ISRAEL”) HAS ALSO INHERITED THE ROLE OF THE ORIGINAL ISRAEL DURING THE TRIBULATION.


This is why nearly all theologians and preachers that hold to one of the countless variants of reformed theology insist on placing The Church (or the Body of Christ) somewhere in the tribulation period. Even worse, many teach that The Church will go all the way through this period of God’s judgment, where a large part of the earth’s population will be killed. For those who survive, the rapture occurs briefly before Christ’s Second Coming. This kind of thinking is both dangerous and false (not to mention frightening) – here’s why. The Bible teaches that the tribulation is designed to bring Israel back into God’s salvation. GOD USES THIS EVENT TO DEAL WITH UNBELIEVING PEOPLE. Yet, these spiritual leaders, blinded by their wrong theology, are convinced that The Church (all true believers in Christ) is now “THE NEW ISRAEL”. Their misguided beliefs also cause them to attack and discredit those who teach “an escape before the tribulation”, which God provides for the ones Jesus Christ made worthy through His redeeming blood.


This is why any teaching that claims the Church (all true Christian believers) must go through the judgments of the tribulation IS A COVERT ATTACK ON OUR BLOOD-BOUGHT REDEMPTION THAT CHRIST PAID TO “BUY US BACK”. We can now understand why Paul warned the Church, “Let no man deceive you by any means”. This is not some “optional or nonessential” teaching of eschatology. It is about the completed salvation of the Christian believer. We might now better understand the offensive warning Peter gave when he said:

But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, EVEN DENYING THE LORD WHO BOUGHT THEM, and bring on themselves swift destruction.” (2 Peter 2:1 — Emphasis Mine)

Saint Paul reinforces this idea by saying…

“Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, AND HATH TRANSLATED US INTO THE KINGDOM OF HIS DEAR SON: IN WHOM WE HAVE REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD, EVEN THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS…” (Note: Redemption means to ransom or “buy back” Colossians 1:12-14 — Emphasis Mine)


Reformed theologians are committing the sin of abusing the context of Scripture, which makes God say something THAT HE DID NOT SAY. This deceptive theology, which has survived since the first century, is the reason Paul warns the Church about this counterfeit teaching.


 “Let no one deceive you by any means;

(2 Thessalonians 2:1)

Saint Paul sent two letters (epistles) to the Thessalonian Church to repeat what he previously taught about Christ’s return. Another reason for these epistles is to expose false teaching in a forged letter that someone wrote to terrorize the congregation. This forged letter, supposedly signed by Paul (but wasn’t), warned them that the “Day of the Lord” had already come. To the Thessalonians, this meant that they were about to go through the horrendous tribulation period. In Paul’s epistles, his goal was to expose the false perception created by this forged letter and to reassure the congregation that they would not experience this period of judgment. “The Day of the Lord” is another term that refers to the future time of extreme tribulation that Jesus warned would come upon ALL THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE FACE OF THE WHOLE EARTH (Mark 13:19 and Luke 21:25-36). When Paul was with the Thessalonian believers in person, HE TAUGHT THEM THAT TWO MAJOR EVENTS MUST OCCUR FIRST BEFORE THE “DAY OF THE LORD” COULD BEGIN. The first event is, “the falling away”, WHICH OCCURS BEFORE THE SECOND EVENT, “the revealing of the man of sin”, who is commonly called “the anti-christ” (Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12).

Most critics claim that this “falling away”, is the act of leaving the Christian faith, or a rejection of the truth of Scripture. Yet, the theme of Paul’s epistles to the Thessalonian believers is about “how the Church is caught up (or gathered together) INTO THE CLOUDS TO MEET JESUS IN THE AIR” (Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18), which is “a departure” involving physical movement or travel. Keep in mind that this theme provides a general context for understanding what Paul is teaching. Some of our English-translated Bibles, such as the King James and the New King James versions, use the phrase “falling away” instead of the word “departure”. The confusion this creates gives the critics an important loophole that they use to their full advantage.


Paul Provides An Important
Clarification of His Comments

In 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8, Paul repeats his description of these events using different wording. Good teachers commonly use this method of repetition to reinforce a principle or truth. In 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Paul talks about [1]departure (falling away) and [2]the revealing of the “man of sin”. However, in verses 7 and 8, he repeats things in a different way to add emphasis and clarity. Instead of using the term, “falling away” as he did in verse 3, Paul uses the wording, “He who now restrains will do so UNTIL HE IS TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY — AND THEN THE LAWLESS ONE (THE MAN OF SIN) WILL BE REVEALED…”. If you “take someone out of the way” you are physically moving them from one place to another. Once again, in verses 7 and 8 Paul is talking about [1]departure (someone taken out of the way) and [2]the revealing of the “man of sin”. Both the teachings of Jesus Christ and Saint Paul support the physical movement or “departure/travel” aspect of the term “falling away”(covered later in this commentary). Insisting that the term “falling away” in this Scripture means “falling away from the Christian faith” is a distortion that cheats the Christian believer out of a tremendous blessing and changes the original intention of the Scripture.

Redefining terms is a common, yet confusing tactic practiced by critics on inexperienced Christians. However, certain Greek scholars point out that the way Paul used the term “falling away” in the original Greek text means “a departure” — as when a group leaves (departs) one location and travels to another. In this instance, it doesn’t mean leaving or “falling away” from the Christian faith as the critics claim.

If the reader wants an even better understanding of this phrase “falling away”, use the link below. This is a YouTube teaching video by Patrick Heron. Normally, we try to avoid the confusion that commonly occurs by sending visitors to another ministry website. Yet, the information Patrick provides in this situation is invaluable. Keep the following in mind: Including this link in our commentary should not be understood as complete agreement with all beliefs of the author, who also may not agree with everything we teach.

No Apostasy or Falling Away
By Patrick Heron (YouTube Video)

Patrick also gives an additional teaching that
answers the question about whether the Bible
teaches about the rapture–or not.

Rapture Vs. No Rapture
By Patrick Heron (YouTube Video)

Bible Teacher and author John Ankerberg hosts a
program that answers some important questions.

Encouraging Words Concerning the Rapture
(YouTube Video)

Bible scholar Dr. Thomas Ice made the following observation about the Greek word “apostasia”, which is commonly translated into the English word “apostasy” (or falling away):


“The first seven English translations of apostasia all rendered the noun as either ” departure” or ” departing.” They are as follows: Wycliffe Bible (1384); Tyndale Bible (1526); Coverdale Bible (1535); Cranmer Bible (1539); Breeches Bible (1576); Beza Bible (1583); Geneva Bible (1608). This supports the notion that the word truly means ” departure.” In fact, Jerome’ s Latin translation known as the Vulgate from around the time of A.D. 400 renders apostasia with the word “discessio”, meaning ‘departure’.”

The literal Greek meaning of “a relocation or departure” causes us to ask some very important questions: Who is the group that departs, why are they departing, where are they departing from, and what is their destination?

Another question should also be asked: “Is the idea of “departure (as in travel)” in 2 Thessalonians 2:1 taught by anyone else in the New Testament? The answer is YES, and this important individual sheds a lot more light on why the true intention of this Scripture is “a departure or relocation”.

ANOTHER CONFIRMATION: The Amplified Bible contains a special note that more clearly communicates the intention of 2 Thessalonians 2:3, which says:


“A possible rendering of apostasia is departure
[of the church]”. IN ITS FULL MEANING,

“Let no man deceive you by any means:
for that day [the day of the Lord]
shall not come, except there come a
departing [of the church] first, and that man
of sin [the Antichrist] be revealed,
the son of perdition…” (emphasis is mine)

(Amplified Bible End Quote)

We chose the title of this commentary based on the words Paul used when he condemned the false teaching of the forged letter sent to the Thessalonian Church….


“Let no one deceive you by any means”

When I read the Bible and come across the words, “Let no one deceive you” or “don’t be deceived” — my ears perk up. It’s usually because God is about to give a stern warning that must be heeded. Unfortunately, people with beliefs like those who wrote this fraudulent letter to the Thessalonian believers also exist in the modern Christian church. Paul emphasized his warning about “not being deceived” by adding the words, “BY ANY MEANS”. This is another way of saying that we should make an extraordinary effort to avoid being deceived by the critics in this matter. Why? It involves the final fulfillment of our salvation in Christ, which is a crucially important topic. I wish it wasn’t true, but many modern Christian leaders and their followers are deceiving the Church about one of the most incredible and important events in the Bible.


Misguided Theology

This commentary attempts to address a growing problem with a variety of popular teachings about Christ’s promised return. We understand that churches are struggling during these difficult times. It is also understood that some good pastors and ministers may feel that they have an inadequate knowledge to properly teach topics that involve Bible prophecy — and avoid the subject for that reason. Others seek to reject any discussion of the end-times because it may offend some of the more “intellectual” people in their congregation. It doesn’t seem to matter that one in every 25 verses (on average) in the New Testament addresses, either directly or indirectly, THE RETURN OF CHRIST AND OUR COMPLETED REDEMPTION. Unfortunately, the topic of what is called “the rapture” and its direct connection to Christ’s Second Coming is considered some kind of “extreme” view of the Bible that is only believed by “the religious fanatics and other extremists”.

For these reasons the subject is wrongly considered to be “non-essential” and is omitted from the teachings of the church because of the unnecessary controversy it creates. Some church leaders say, “Why risk in-fighting and division in the congregation over an extreme and non-essential topic? Yet, when you study what the Bible says about end-time events, it becomes clear that the enemy of the Christian (the devil who operates in darkness) is behind this disinformation campaign. Why is the enemy so interested in discrediting those who believe and teach about the departure of the Church and the return of Jesus Christ? Contrary to some popular, yet false church teaching, THE RAPTURE (OR THE DEPARTURE OF THE CHURCH) INVOLVES THE FULFILLMENT OF CHRIST’S SALVATION FOR THE BELIEVER LIVING IN THE CHURCH AGE. Our enemy’s top priority has always been to either destroy or to cast doubt on what Jesus accomplished for us through His sacrificial death at the cross. It represents another aspect of the devil’s relentless campaign to destroy Christ’s great salvation — an effort that originates from inside the world-wide Christian Church and has been going on for nearly 2000 years.

In the tradition of our Lord Jesus Christ and the apostolic leadership of the first century church, our comments carry an abrasive edge. This is necessary because of the stubborn opposition within the institutional Christian Church that continues to push this unbiblical agenda. When you understand that the climax of most everything taught in the Bible revolves around the Second Coming of Christ and “the rapture of the Church” that precedes it, standing firm against the critics is the right course of action. We must not allow them to succeed in redefining our salvation. The unintended consequences are unthinkable.


(Saint Peter speaking) “Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, KNOWING THIS FIRST: THAT SCOFFERS WILL COME IN THE LAST DAYS, WALKING ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN LUSTS, AND SAYING, “WHERE IS THE PROMISE OF HIS COMING? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” (2 Peter 3:1-4 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)

“So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; AND UNTO THEM THAT LOOK FOR HIM SHALL HE APPEAR THE SECOND TIME WITHOUT SIN UNTO SALVATION.” (Hebrews 9:28 KJV)

Biblical Truth Continues To Be Under
Attack From Within The Church

Unfortunately, the institutional Christian Church continues to be plagued with false apostles — along with preachers and teachers who remove Scripture from its context; a practice which allows them to teach a misleading message from the Bible. During His earthly ministry, Christ constantly warned about this problem. Many are just good, well-intentioned people who wrongly interpret the Scriptures. Yet, they claim many victims down through church history. Ignoring and abusing the context of Scripture allows them to teach the Bible in a way that leads inexperienced believers into what Saint Paul calls, “a reprobate form of Christian faith”. As the apostle Paul warned his disciple Timothy, these spiritual leaders and their followers “have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof” (2 Timothy 3:1-8). Paul warned Timothy (and all believers living today) to TURN AWAY FROM SUCH PEOPLE. Yet, most leaders today tell their congregations that the problem is just “a difference of opinion”. As a result, it is subtly suggested that we are to ignore Paul’s words because they are too controversial or divisive.

What Paul refers to as “reprobate faith” (a counterfeit form of faith in Christ) is not just a direct attack on God’s gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23 and Ephesians 2:8-9), BUT IS ALSO AN ATTEMPT TO DISTORT AND DISCREDIT THE COMPLETION OF HIS GIFT OF SALVATION FULFILLED AT THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH (ALSO KNOWN AS “THE TRANSLATION”). Paul taught the churches under his care in the first century, to constantly “examine themselves” to guard against falling prey to this dangerous “counterfeit faith in Christ”. He gave this strict directive because of how easy it is to think that the counterfeit actually represents the truth.

 “EXAMINE YOURSELVES AS TO WHETHER YOU ARE IN THE FAITH. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? — unless indeed you are disqualified.” (2 Corinthians 13:5)

  Why Is The Subject of the Rapture Under Such Attack?

We’ve all heard the accusations at one time or another.


  • There is no such thing as the rapture
  • The Bible doesn’t teach about the rapture
  • Since the word rapture isn’t in the Bible, it must be false
  • Rapture teaching is heresy
  • The rapture is a myth believed by gullible Christians
  • The pretribulational rapture is a modern deception
  • The pretribulational rapture is a delusional false doctrine
  • Only religious extremists believe in a pretribulational rapture
  • If the rapture was true, more churches would teach about it


And, the list goes on and on…

Recently, I read where one popular Christian teacher and author commented on a radio talk show (we’re paraphrasing here) — that the pre-tribulational rapture teaching came from a government misinformation operation to corrupt the teachings of the church. What’s even worse is that many Christians actually believed the nonsense this man presented, mainly due to his popularity. As one pastor said many years ago, “bless their darling hearts and stupid heads.” Unfortunately, there are a lot of “stupid heads” in certain church groups.

Are the critics right? Or, are they advancing a hidden sinister agenda, masquerading as fundamental Bible teaching? It’s these kinds of practices that leads inexperienced believers astray in their faith. Over the years, I’ve been astounded at the lengths some religious false teachers will go. No wonder Paul constantly warned the early church to be careful not to allow these people to cheat you out of the blessings of Christ (Read Colossians 2:8, 2:18). This is just another way of saying, “LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU BY ANY MEANS”. The forged letter sent to the Thessalonian believers (previously discussed) is only one example. God thought the incident was so important that He included it in the canon of Scripture AS A WARNING. What was He warning about? Everyone who teaches in the name of Christ is not necessarily from Christ or speaking for Christ. He is warning us about religious imposters, Christian counterfeits, wolves in sheep clothing, false apostles and false Christs THAT TEACH FROM THE BIBLE. Saint Paul called them “false brethren” (Read Galatians 2:4-5), which means that they appear outwardly as Bible-believing Christians and ministers. Paul spent considerable effort to refute the teaching in this forged letter, WRITTEN AND PRESENTED TO THE THESSALONIAN CONGREGATION IN THE NAME OF CHRIST. In other words, THE LETTER CLAIMED THAT GOD SAID SOMETHING THAT HE NEVER SAID — AND THEY FORGED PAUL’S SIGNATURE TO VALIDATE IT. Yet, a new generation that commit the same dishonest acts operate without opposition from within the institutional Christian Church. Except now, they can use impressive educational credentials and the power of the Internet to accomplish their purposes.

Would it surprise you to learn that our Lord Jesus Christ taught about the rapture, but used a different word to describe it? Stay with us for more information about this amazing and encouraging revelation about the completion of the believer’s salvation at the return of Christ.


A Dangerous Hidden Agenda

What many fail to realize is that the institutional Christian Church has been engaged in an internal spiritual war since the first century. Rather than a war fought with bullets and bombs, it’s a “doctrinal war” for the control of the mind of the individual Christian believer. In this case, “control” is exercised through a particular “system of theology” — and both sides in this war insist that they are teaching God’s original intention. You could call it, “the battle for your mind”. It’s difficult to identify the participants because there are so many different names and variants. On the surface, they all look like they’re based on the truth of Scripture. YET, ONLY ONE IS CORRECT. MAKING THE WRONG CHOICE IN THIS AREA COULD CARRY FRIGHTENING AND UNINTENDED SPIRITUAL CONSEQUENCES, WHICH IS WHY SAINT PAUL CONSTANTLY WARNED THE CHURCH ABOUT BEING DECEIVED.

One of the biggest mistakes made by church-going people is thinking that Christians are just one big family with “different opinions”. We are constantly told by the leaders of the “unity movement” and “seeker sensitive” preachers that we’re all God’s children with different opinions — and for that reason we should avoid any form of divisive or offensive speech. Yet, the Bible warns that this viewpoint, as good as it sounds, is seriously flawed. Biblical truth always divides between those who want it and those who don’t. Whether we like it or not, there is both a good and evil side in this internal war. Both look and sound godly. Each one has good intentions. IT IS A SPIRITUALLY LETHAL MISTAKE TO THINK BOTH SIDES ARE RIGHT AND THAT THE WAY GOD INTENDS FOR US TO OBTAIN SALVATION IS JUST A MATTER OF OPINION. It has everything to do with Biblical truth on which our salvation is based. It’s not about personal opinion. It’s a right and wrong, life and death issue.


Identifying the Opposition

There is one side that seeks to ignore the context of Scripture and mix everything together, which sends the faith of their followers dangerously astray. This group viciously attacks “the other side” that seeks to respect the context of Scripture and recognizes that God divides His Word into two major “covenant administrations” (or dispensations), where each one operates by different rules. Our Bible is divided into two parts that is meant to communicate these different administrations: The Old Testament and the New Testament (Note: “Testament” is another word for “Covenant”). Saint Paul refers to this proper Bible interpretation method as, “rightly (or correctly) dividing the Word of Truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). The group that follows Paul’s instructions acknowledges that Jesus Christ died on the cross to start “a New Covenant”, which changed all the previous rules of the “old system”. The book of Hebrews teaches that Christ’s New Covenant is “a new and living way” (Carefully Read Hebrews 10:19-23). The Bible uses the phrase “new and living way” because Christ’s sacrificial death established A NEW WAY THAT SALVATION IS OBTAINED. This NEW WAY didn’t exist before and was only made possible by the shedding of His blood. The NEW WAY OF CHRIST (OR THE NEW COVENANT) could only begin after the price was paid for our redemption at the cross. It makes the previous religious system obsolete and describes Christ’s new way as, “a better covenant established on better promises”.


“But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He (Jesus) is also MEDIATOR OF A BETTER COVENANT, WHICH WAS ESTABLISHED ON BETTER PROMISES. For if that FIRST COVENANT had been faultless, then no place would have been sought FOR A SECOND.” (Hebrews 8:6-7 NKJV)

“IN THAT HE (JESUS CHRIST) SAYS, “A NEW COVENANT,” HE HAS MADE THE FIRST OBSOLETE. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.” (Hebrews 8:13 NKJV)

The New Covenant is also called “the new and living way of Christ” established on His blood (Read: Matt. 26:28, Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20, 1 Cor. 11:25, 2 Cor. 3:6, Heb. 8:6-13, Heb. 9:15, Heb. 10:19-23, Heb. 12:24).

Here’s the problem: There are many church leaders (and their followers) that reject Christ’s NEW AND LIVING WAY because it violates their traditional religious beliefs that they don’t want changed. Saint Paul constantly ran into this resistance, especially when he preached THE NEW COVENANT OF CHRIST to Orthodox Jews (Read Acts 13:44-47). However, this same resistance to Christ’s Gospel also exists in today’s modern church under different names.

We see the beginning of this “battle for the mind” in the first century. In Acts chapter 15, the apostolic leadership of the church came together to decide which belief was correct. Some “Christ-believing” Pharisees argued that obtaining eternal life (Christ’s salvation) must include obedience to the laws and commandments of Judaism (also called The Law), which is found in the Old Testament section of our modern Bible. In other words, THEY WANTED TO MERGE THE REQUIREMENTS OF OLD COVENANT JEWISH LAW WITH THE NEW COVENANT GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST. It’s important to know that these Pharisees believed in Jesus and had good intentions. They were not out to deceive anyone and believed their teachings represented God’s original plan. They were not the same Pharisees that wanted to crucify Christ years earlier.

This is an example of how we can be convinced that our beliefs and teachings come from God — AND BE TOTALLY WRONG.

ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BATTLEFIELD, the apostle Paul was called by God to preach Christ’s New Covenant Gospel, which taught that Jesus Christ paid the price for our salvation on the cross. This “paid-in-full” redemption allowed God to grant eternal life as an unmerited gift, or a spiritual benefit that didn’t require work or the keeping of the Law (Read Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:20, Romans 3:24-25, Romans 4:1-8, Titus 3:5-7, Galatians 5:4, Galatians 3:1-3, Galatians 3:10-12). After the sacrifice of Christ paid for our redemption, it no longer had to be earned through OBEDIENCE TO OLD COVENANT JEWISH LAW, WHICH WAS A RELIGIOUS SYSTEM THAT CHRIST’S SACRIFICE MADE OBSOLETE ACCORDING TO THE BOOK OF HEBREWS. We are over simplifying the conflict for the sake of brevity. Yet, these are the general battleground issues.

The “apostolic council” of Acts chapter 15 decided that Paul had the correct position. They wrote a letter to the church that established the Christian’s “faith in Christ” upon the unmerited characteristics of God’s Grace — and also warned about the wrong teaching of these Pharisees. Obviously, this enraged the Pharisees. By putting their decision in writing, the council also prevented the opposition from distorting their intentions after they adjourned. Thankfully, this apostolic letter is now recorded in the New Testament canon of Scripture, YET, IT IS REJECTED OR IGNORED BY MANY IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH THAT QUIETLY AGREE WITH THE PHARISEES AND TEACHES THEIR DOCTRINE AS FUNDAMENTAL BIBLE TRUTH.


The Spiritual War Inside The Church Begins

THE APOSTLIC LEADERSHIP’S ENDORSEMENT OF PAUL’S EVANGELISTIC MESSAGE IGNITED A MAJOR SPIRITUAL INTERNAL WAR THAT CONTINUES TODAY. This struggle travels under countless names and labels. It is between what some call, Pharisaical religion (counterfeit Christianity) and Christ’s New Covenant gospel (the new and living way of true Christianity).

Pharisaical religion mixes Judaism (the Mosaic Old Testament system of religion) and New Covenant Christianity together into one “unified theology”, which is then presented as the original intention of God’s Word. This unholy union creates a confusing doctrine that Paul refers to as a perverted gospel (Read Galatians 1:6-8). Some preachers call the ministers of this popular, yet false religion, “Judaizers”. It’s the same religious influence that Paul condemned in the Galatian Church because it brings the believer back under the dictates and judgments of Jewish law and perverts the unmerited characteristic of the Gospel of Christ. He wrote his “epistle (or letter) to the Galatians” to combat this false religion, which the entire congregation had embraced (Galatians 3:1-3). Paul condemned this doctrine as demonically influenced (Read 2 Corinthians 11:12-15 and Galatians 1:6-8), which is why believers should avoid it at all costs. In other words, Paul warned that it was a spiritually lethal heresy that carried a curse. Once again, these things do not represent some harmless “difference of opinion”. Unfortunately, Pharisaical religion is now taught by many sectors of the world-wide institutional Christian Church under the general banner of “Christian Fundamentalism” and the popular label of “Historical Christianity”. However, there are many other expressions that use different names and labels. It’s widely accepted because it’s marketed to church members as the true teachings of Scripture. However, it’s a dangerous counterfeit that masquerades as God’s Word through the deceptive and popular practice of ignoring and abusing the context of the Bible.

If the reader wants more information, click on the link below.

The Spiritual Revolution of Christ

(Important Note: More detailed information is provided under the section heading, “Closing Thoughts” at the end of this commentary.)


Jesus Christ Preaches His
“Great Escape” Sermon

The Prophets Micah, Amos and Isaiah looks
into the future and warns about a troubling
period of time. Could they be referring to
the same unique event that Jesus Christ
warns about many years later?

REMAINS. All men lie in wait to shed
blood; each hunts his brother with
a net. Both hands are skilled in doing
evil; the ruler demands gifts, the judge
accepts bribes, the powerful dictate what
they desire–they all conspire together.
the best of them is like a brier, the most
upright worse than a thorn hedge. THE DAY
CONFUSION. (Micah 7:2-4 — Emphasis Mine)

“Woe to you who long for the day of the LORD!
Why do you long for the day of the LORD?
will be as though a man fled from a lion
only to meet a bear, as though he entered
his house and rested his hand on the wall
only to have a snake bite him. WILL NOT THE
(Amos 5:18-20 — Emphasis Mine)

you who dwell in dust; for your dew is
like the dew of herbs, and the earth shall
cast out the dead. COME, MY PEOPLE, ENTER
will also disclose her blood, And will no
more cover her slain.”
(Isaiah 26: 19-21 — Emphasis Mine)


An increasing number of so-called “Christian ministers and evangelists” attempt to discredit the rapture (or the “Translation of the Church”) as “a false, man-made doctrine”. They commonly flaunt their various credentials as evidence that their teaching is from God. Some arrogantly claim that the Bible does not teach about such a thing. Misleading comments like these make me wonder which Bible they’re reading. We make these offensive comments because the Holy Scriptures discuss these topics. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught about “AN ESCAPE” that God provides for His people from the horrible trials coming upon the earth. Jesus uses the phrase “in those days there will be tribulation” to describe this future period of time. Students of Bible prophecy call it, “The Tribulation Period”. Jesus clearly said that this time of tribulation HAS NEVER HAPPENDED BEFORE AND WON’T HAPPEN AGAIN. IT’S A ONE TIME EVENT THAT HASN’T HAPPENED YET.

Speaking about the last days, Jesus warned:


“For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be.” (Mark 13:19 NKJV)

But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, AND THAT DAY COME UPON YOU UNEXPECTEDLY. FOR IT WILL COME AS A SNARE ON ALL THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE FACE OF THE WHOLE EARTH. Watch therefore, and pray always THAT YOU MAY BE COUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE ALL THESE THINGS THAT WILL COME TO PASS, AND TO STAND BEFORE THE SON OF MAN.” (Luke 21:25-36 NKJV — Emphsis Mine)

(Special Note: In order to communicate in a clearer way we use the phrase “THE WORTHY ONES” to describe the people that Jesus said “should pray to be counted worthy to escape all these things”. It’s just saying the same thing in a slightly different way. It’s also important to remember that how a person becomes “worthy” radically changed after Jesus purchased our redemption at the cross (discussed later in this commentary). From His words, it’s obvious that Jesus isn’t just talking about one person, but about a special group of people that Saint Paul covers in more detail in his New Testament epistles to the Church.)




Jesus referred to AN ESCAPE THAT GOD PROVIDES BEFORE THESE THINGS COME TO PASS (OR BEFORE “THE TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS”). It means that Jesus was teaching a “pre-tribulation” escape, OR AN ESCAPE THAT HAPPENS PRIOR TO THE DAYS OF TRIBULATION. Keep in mind that these are Christ’s words. TO PROVIDE AN ESCAPE AFTER A CALAMITY HAS OVERTAKEN YOU — IS NONSENSICAL AND OF NO BENEFIT. Also notice that Jesus said that this tribulation falls “ON ALL THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH”. Jesus used these exact words to say something important. AS AMAZING AS IT MIGHT SOUND, JESUS IS SUGGESTING THAT TO ESCAPE THIS COMING TRIBULATION, YOU WOULD HAVE TO SOMEHOW, LEAVE THE EARTH. He reinforces this idea by saying that the escape includes, “STANDING BEFORE THE SON OF MAN”, which means the destination (place of safety) is wherever Jesus is — and He’s not on earth during this time. What Christ is inferring in these Scriptures is inescapable (no pun intended). The word “escape” as used by Jesus Christ in these Scriptures IS NOT SOME KIND OF A PROTECTION PROVIDED FOR CHRISTIANS GOING THROUGH THE TRIBULATION ON EARTH, AS MANY CRITICS FALSELY TEACH. Instead, it suggests “the moving of a person or group from one place to another, to get them out of danger”. If you find yourself in a building that is on fire, the firemen don’t tell you to “stay where you are and we will protect you”. They usually yell at the top of their voice, to get out of (or escape) the building. Many Bible prophecy teachers insist that the Church (all believers who possess eternal life) must go through the tribulation first and the rapture OCCURS AFTERWARDS at the physical Second Coming of Christ. This is commonly known as “post-tribulationalism”. It contradicts what both Jesus and Saint Paul taught. The Bible reveals that the physical Second Coming of Christ (where every eye will see Him when He appears in the clouds) OCCURS AFTER THE TRIBULATION THAT JESUS WARNED ABOUT IN LUKE 21:25-36 and Mark 13:19).

(Jesus is speaking) “But in those days, AFTER THAT TRIBULATION, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars of heaven will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. THEN THEY WILL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING IN THE CLOUDS WITH GREAT POWER AND GLORY. (Mark 13:24-26 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)

However, the fact that Jesus taught that THE ESCAPE OCCURS BEFORE THE CALAMITY OF THE TRIBULATION HITS THE EARTH proves the “post-trib” belief is incorrect and misleading. Be forewarned: Many churches that teach Bible prophecy build their doctrine around “post-trib” theology.

The words of Christ also reveal another important truth. THE ESCAPE OF “THE WORTHY ONES” OCCURS SOME TIME BEFORE HIS SECOND COMING BECAUSE THE ESCAPE HAPPENS BEFORE “THE TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS”. THIS MEANS THAT THE ESCAPE IS AN ENTIRELY SEPARATE, YET “CONNECTED” EVENT. It demonstrates that Christ’s Second Coming involves TWO DIVINE OPERATIONS THAT ARE SEPARATED BY A SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. First, the escape of “the worthy ones” happens just before earth’s final judgment (or tribulation) begins. At this time, Jesus does not physically return to earth, but meets “the escapees” IN THE AIR ABOVE THE EARTH AND TAKES THEM BACK TO HEAVEN FOR A PERIOD OF TIME (Scripture indicates this is an earthly period of 7 years). Secondly, Christ returns to end the tribulation on earth accompanied by “the worthy ones” (the redeemed believers) that previously escaped the earth’s tribulation and judgment. Pay particular attention to “the gathering” THAT JESUS SAID TAKES PLACE IN HEAVEN just before He returns at His Second Coming….

“And He shall send His angels with a great
sound of a trumpet, AND THEY SHALL
the fourwinds, FROM ONE END OF HEAVEN
TO THE OTHER.” (Matthew 24:31 Emphasis Mine)

Looking thousands of years ahead to Christ’s

“Behold, the Lord comes WITH TEN THOUSANDS
OF HIS SAINTS…” (Jude 1:14 NKJV)

Saint Paul made the same observation about
Christ’s coming to earth when he said:

“To the end he may stablish your hearts
unblameable in holiness before
God, even our Father, AT THE COMING
(1 Thessalonians 3:13 KJV — Emphasis Mine)

we ask you, not to be soon shaken
in mind or troubled, either by
spirit or by word OR BY LETTER,
AS IF FROM US, as though the day
of Christ had come.”
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)

Where did the ones that the angels “gathered together” IN HEAVEN come from? Where did the saints that returned with Christ come from? What was this “gathering together unto Him” that Paul spoke of? They were “the worthy ones” (the redeemed believers) who previously participated in the escape Jesus warned about in Luke 21:25-36. These saints escaped the earth (or were “gathered from the earth” to be with Jesus) and stayed safely “with the Lord IN HEAVEN” — AND RETURNED WITH HIM TO EARTH AT THE SECOND COMING. (See the special note below)


(Jesus Christ speaking)”Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN AND RECEIVE YOU TO MYSELF; THAT WHERE I AM, THERE YOU MAY BE ALSO.” (John 14:1-3 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)



Additional Resources That Clear Up Some
Misconceptions About End-Time Events

As a supplement to our commentary, Jack Kelly of GraceThruFaith.com provides an excellent teaching on the 70th week of Daniel. This Old Testament prophecy given by the angel Gabriel to Daniel the prophet provides an important time-line that helps unlock our understanding of end-time events now coming to pass.

The 70 Weeks of Daniel–By Jack Kelly

A program that complements Jack Kelly’s commentary is provided by Gary Stearman and Prophecy in the News. This excellent teaching presentation is about the Day of the Lord, which is also called the Tribulation Period and the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. It should answer many questions concerning this soon-to-occur end-time event.

Prophecy In The News–The Day Of The Lord
(YouTube Video)

A second program is also provided by Gary Stearman and Prophecy in the News. This presentation is about the often misunderstood subject of the First and the Last Trumpets. The apostle Paul said that the Last Trump will sound at the time of the rapture.

Prophecy In The News–The Two Trumpets
(PITN Video)

Dr. Andy Woods is the senior pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church and a full professor at the College of Biblical Studies in Houston and teaches Bible and theology. In this interview with Dr Todd Baker of Zola Levitt Ministries, Dr. Andy Woods explores the topic of Israel and the Kingdom of God. Understanding this truth is one of the keys that allow us to properly interpret end-time Bible prophecy.

Israel And The Kingdom–By Dr. Andy Woods
Presented By Zola Levitt Ministries
(YouTube Video)


For those who want a more exhaustive study on why the rapture occurs before Daniel’s 70th week (or what is called the 7 year tribulation period), Dr. Richard Mayhue’s indepth teaching may meet your expectations. In an attempt to keep our commentaries simple and easy to understand, we try to avoid going into such detail. It is important for visitors to know that including Dr. Mayhue’s teaching on our website does not necessarily mean that we agree with all of his (or the sponsors and hosts of the presentation) beliefs. It also doesn’t mean that he (or the sponsors and hosts of the presentation) agrees with all of our teachings and beliefs. We make this information available because it provides a correct Scriptural defense that happens to compliment the subject of this commentary. There are countless bogus and false views about the rapture and how Christ’s great salvation is obtained and kept on the Internet, especially on YouTube. To the inexperenced believer they all appear to be based on Scripture — but it’s Scripture removed from the context where God originally placed it. For this reason, you should excercise great discernment when listening to Bible Prophecy topics on the YouTube website.

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church
(Part 1) By Dr. Richard Mayhue

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church
(Part 2) By Dr. Richard Mayhue

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church
(Part 3) By Dr. Richard Mayhue

Note: Providing this information on our
website should not necessarily be interpreted
as total agreement with the theology,
eschatology or political views of the
various authors and teachers.

Important Note: In this special seminar teaching, Dr. Mayhue points out the problems in a theology held by a particular denominational group that viciously oppose the pre-tribulational position. He refers to them as “his covenantal brethren” or those that embrace something called “covenant theology”. He may also use other expressions using the word “covenant” to identify this group. All visitors should understand that various Bible teachers use these terms interchangeably to identify the doctrine of “Reformed Theology” (A name often used in the place of Reformed Theology is Covenant Theology). This dual terminology confuses many Christian people. On the Rock of Offence website we introduce our visitors to the Biblical institution of a “blood covenant”. Jesus said that his sacrifice at the cross began “a New Covenant in His blood”. All readers should understand that when we use the term blood covenant or “Christ’s New Covenant in His blood”, WE ARE NOT TEACHING THE DOCTRINE OF “COVENANT THEOLOGY (OR REFORMED THEOLOGY)”.

The New Covenant is also called “the new and living way of Christ” established on His blood (Read: Matt. 26:28, Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20, 1 Cor. 11:25, 2 Cor. 3:6, Heb. 8:6-13, Heb. 9:15, Heb. 10:19-23, Heb. 12:24).

More information is provided below.

Our Position on Covenant/Reformed Theology

In addition to Dr. Mayhue’s teaching, we also provide two links to valuable studies that explains why the rapture of the Church…

(1) Is not “mid-trib” (occurring in the middle of the tribulation)

(2) Is not “pre-wrath” (or prior to pouring out of God’s wrath during the second half of the tribulation)

(3) Is not “post-trib” (occurring just before Second Coming of Christ at the end of the tribulation)

(4) Does not occur at the 7th trumpet of Revelation (a commonly held belief)

The Mystery of the Rapture
By Dr. David Reagan

The Last Trump
By Dr. Thomas Ice

Jesus Gives Us An Important Insight

Jesus tells us about His future return to the earth and an “escape” from the destruction and judgment He was warning His disciples about. This “escape” directly applies to the rapture, since the apostle Paul taught the same thing in his epistles and referred to it as “an escape or departure for the Church” BEFORE THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TRIBULATION BEGINS. Many Christians correctly elevate the words of our Lord above most everything else in Scripture. Some of our Bible translations properly highlight the words of Christ in red to emphasize their importance. Jesus is God’s Son and His words carry the full authority of Heaven. However, there is something the Bible emphatically warns about that can seriously impact our seemingly correct and flawless understanding in these matters. That “something” is failing to respect the contextual design of God’s Word. The Bible is divided into two primary covenants: The Old Covenant (recorded in the Old Testament) and Christ’s New Covenant (recorded in the New Testament). The New Testament Book of Hebrews calls them, the first covenant and the second covenant (Read Hebrews 8:7 and especially Hebrews 8:13 — also read Galatians 4:21-31). In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul warns his disciple Timothy about this Old Covenant/New Covenant division. Due to its importance (and the fact that most Christians ignore Paul’s words) we repeat this important admonition throughout many of our commentaries.


“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly (or correctly) dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV)

Timothy is warned THAT IN ORDER TO PROPERLY TEACH THE TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD, YOU MUST RESPECT THIS DIVISION. Why? Different rules and principles govern each of these radically different covenants. You can’t just arbitrarily and recklessly pull a Scripture from the Old Covenant and make it apply under Christ’s New Covenant (a violation of Biblical context) in order to validate your teaching (unless it’s clear that the Scripture you’re using uniquely applies under both). Yet, it’s estimated that a vast majority of Christian leaders (and those that follow them) do this very thing.

The apostle Paul called Christ’s New Covenant “The Mystery of Christ” — and God made Paul the exclusive administrator of its truths through what Bible scholars call, “The Pauline Revelation” (Read Ephesians 3;1-12, 2 Corinthians 12;1-4 and Galatians 1:11-12). Contrary to popular beliefs, Paul was the only apostle to receive this revelation about the mystery of the New Covenant, which was also the source of the Gospel of Christ that he preached. This mystery was not fully revealed for several years (some theologians think 7-10 years, but nobody knows exactly how long) after Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Here’s what Jesus Christ had to say about the revealing of this truth:


“Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I HAVE YET MANY THINGS TO SAY UNTO YOU, BUT YE CANNOT BEAR THEM NOW. HOWBEIT WHEN HE, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, IS COME, HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. HE SHALL GLORIFY ME: FOR HE SHALL RECEIVE OF MINE, AND SHALL SHEW IT UNTO YOU.” (John 16:7-14)

Notice the timeframe included in Christ’s words. The truth He wanted his disciples to know wasn’t going to be fully revealed, except for some vague “types and shadows”, until after His death, resurrection, ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Why? Christ’s crucifixion (the spilling of His blood), resurrection, ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit HAD TO HAPPEN FIRST BEFORE THE NEW COVENANT COULD BEGIN. UNTIL THEN, THE OLD COVENANT REMAINED IN AUTHORITY. The New Covenant that Jesus Christ came to initiate was “the many things” that He couldn’t tell His disciples while He was still alive during His ministry on earth. The phrase “many things” that Christ used also means “a lot of things”. Any way you look at it, Jesus alerts His audience to A FULL REVELATION, WHICH WAS HIDDEN IN A MYSTERY THAT HE SAID COULD NOT BE REVEALED BEFORE THE CROSS.

Jesus Christ had a good reason to withhold the revelation about His New Covenant. Years later, the apostle Paul gives us the reasons for our Lord’s action.


“However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. BUT WE SPEAK THE WISDOM OF GOD IN A MYSTERY, THE HIDDEN WISDOM WHICH GOD ORDAINED BEFORE THE AGES for our glory, WHICH NONE OF THE RULERS OF THIS AGE KNEW; FOR HAD THEY KNOWN, THEY WOULD NOT HAVE CRUCIFIED THE LORD OF GLORY.” (1 Corinthians 2:6-8 NKJV)

The “rulers of this age” that Paul speaks of here are “high order” demonic spirits, which were responsible for planning and orchestrating Christ’s crucifixion “behind the scene”. If Jesus and His disciples (during His earthly ministry) went around preaching the details of the yet future New Covenant, Paul said that these demonic spirits would have never crucified Christ. Why? The New Covenant in Christ’s blood (Luke 22:20 and 1 Corinthians 11:25) was God’s secret plan (Paul calls it “hidden wisdom”) to utterly destroy Satan’s dominion over the human race. Christ’s crucifixion was the centerpiece of God’s plan. The New Covenant couldn’t become reality without the crucifixion of our Lord. As a result of Christ’s “information blackout” Satan and his demonic world didn’t learn about their mistake until it was too late.

The vast majority of Christian believers think that Jesus revealed everything about our salvation in the gospel accounts (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) that records His earthly ministry. Yet, both Jesus and the apostle Paul say that this was not the case.

The majority of Christian leaders either ignores or is in denial about this important warning by both our Lord Jesus and Saint Paul. When you apply this failure to Bible prophecy topics, such as the rapture, serious Scriptural distortions emerge that lead believers astray in their faith. Once again, Jesus said that an escape would be provided for “the worthy ones”. This causes many church leaders and Bible teachers to wrongly conclude that this “escape” is only reserved for those who are “worthy” through possessing an abundance of good works, exceptional “Christian service” and a devoted faithfulness to God. Putting it another way, they teach that the believer’s qualifications for the “escape” is based on his or her obedience, religious performance and works. This also means that it’s impossible to know whether or not your level of performance meets God’s qualifications for the escape. Obviously, this causes us to keep feverishly working (out of fear) to avoid being left behind to suffer during the tribulation. This is a popular teaching that the first century church leadership condemned as spiritual bondage. Why? The qualifications to be counted “worthy” radically changed when Christ’s New Covenant began and “the mystery of Christ” was fully revealed after Jesus returned to the Father and after the Holy Spirit was sent on the day of Pentecost. Saint Paul was the vessel God chose to reveal this mystery, which had been kept secret until that time.



The escape Jesus speaks about (or what is called the rapture) occurs in two phases. Saint Paul provides a complete outline of the entire event in his New Testament epistles. The first phase is a resurrection of those redeemed believers (the ones who received God’s salvation while alive on earth) who died and were buried in the grave. When they died, the Bible says their spirit went immediately to be with the Lord in heaven, but their physical body remained in the grave on earth. At “the great escape”, the spirits of these believers will return to be reunited with their body and they will be resurrected (raised up from the grave) in much the same way Jesus was resurrected — with a new incorruptible body. The New Testament teaches that these “resurrected believers” are the first to leave earth after receiving their changed, incorruptible body. The last to leave are the authentic believers in Christ “who are alive and remain”. After the resurrection of these “dead saints”, the living ones are changed (given an incorruptible body) and join them, with Jesus IN THE AIR. Both groups become one and will “forever be with the Lord”. This is the reason the rapture is many times referred to as “The resurrection of the saints”. It’s both a resurrection of the dead and a “catching away and translation” of the living. Both “phases” occur at the same event. In His popular “great escape sermon”, Jesus didn’t reveal the whole story because his salvation plan was still considered “a mystery” (or secret) before the cross (Carefully read Romans 16:25-27, 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 and 1 Corintians 15:50-55). This is why it’s imperative to read the epistles of Saint Paul, who reveals the entire salvation plan that went into operation following the cross. It was only then that the mystery of Christ (especially how our salvation is completed at the rapture) could be revealed to the world. God made Saint Paul the custodian of this “revelation of Christ’s Mystery”. (A brief tutorial of Saint Paul’s teaching is included further down in this commentary)

Readers will discover that some of the most popular “fear-invoking” teachings, such as post-trib doctrine, make no sense when you examine Scripture from a literal position. Having the words of the Lord Jesus Christ that prove the teaching is false, would normally be enough. Yet, it is wrong for many other reasons.

The links below provides more information
on this controversial topic.

Has The Rapture Become Your Worst Nightmare?

64 Reasons The Rapture Of The Church
Is Not The Second Coming Of Christ





Handling The Scriptures Dishonestly

Recently, I was reading a teaching on a Bible prophecy website. The preacher (or the author of the site) was ridiculing a reader who believed that God would provide “an escape” for Christians before the calamities of the coming Tribulation took place. This teacher replied, “IF YOU’RE REALLY THAT DECEIVED, THEN THERE IS LITTLE HOPE FOR YOU.” Keep in mind that this was a Christian website about Bible prophecy.

First of all, the reader was probably referring to the words of Jesus Christ, who said (we’re paraphrasing) ‘A WAY OF ESCAPE” FROM THE THINGS THAT WILL COME TO PASS (THE TRIBULATION HE WARNED ABOUT IN MARK 13:19) WILL BE PROVIDED FOR THE “WORTHY ONES’ (Mark 13:19 and Luke 21:25-36 previously quoted). Since Jesus is the one making the statement, this reader is on solid ground. Yet, THE TEACHER THAT CONFRONTED HIM CONTRADICTED WHAT JESUS SAID. Keep in mind that the Bible teaches that this time of tribulation and calamity is the result of God’s wrath and judgment that comes against all the nations of the world BECAUSE THEY REJECTED HIS SON. CHRIST’S NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH (ALSO KNOWN AS THE BODY OF CHRIST) HAS NOT COMMITTED THIS SIN. A few years later, Saint Paul instructs the Church about the same future tribulation that Jesus spoke of.


“But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. FOR WHEN THEY SAY, “PEACE AND SAFETY!” THEN SUDDEN DESTRUCTION COMES UPON THEM, AS LABOR PAINS UPON A PREGNANT WOMAN. AND THEY SHALL NOT ESCAPE. BUT YOU BRETHREN, ARE NOT IN DARKNESS, SO THAT THIS DAY SHOULD OVERTAKE YOU AS A THIEF. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. FOR GOD DID NOT APPOINT US TO WRATH, BUT TO OBTAIN SALVATION THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-10 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)

Following Christ’s crucifixion, Saint Paul speaks these words to the Thessalonian church. Paul said that “the day of the Lord” will come unexpectantly as SUDDEN DESTRUCTION AND AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. It’s important to realize that he is speaking of the same “time of tribulation” that Jesus was warning about in Mark 13:19. Jesus said, “For in those days there will be tribulation, SUCH AS HAS NOT BEEN SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION WHICH GOD CREATED UNTIL THIS TIME, NOR EVER SHALL BE”. From Christ’s words, we discover that this is a single and unique FUTURE period of time of God’s judgement and wrath. Both the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation indicate that it lasts for 7 years. This horrible time of calamity has never happened before and will never happen again. IT IS A ONE TIME EVENT. Paul calls it the SUDDEN DESTRUCTION OF THE DAY OF THE LORD. All of this information is pretty frightening. However, we are told about a new provision THAT COULD ONLY GO INTO OPERATION AFTER THE CROSS. Paul tells the Church (and the entire body of Christ): “FOR GOD DID NOT APPOINT US (SPEAKING OF ALL CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS) TO WRATH, BUT TO OBTAIN SALVATION THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST”. If the Church is not “appointed to the wrath of the upcoming tribulation”, how do we obtain salvation and be excused from God’s appointment with judgment and wrath? In order to miss this time of tribulation THAT JESUS SAID COMES UPON THE WHOLE WORLD, wouldn’t we have to, some how, leave the world? THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT PAUL TOLD THE CHURCH IN THE NEW TESTAMENT!


“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: THEN WE WHICH ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN SHALL BE CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THEM IN THE CLOUDS, TO MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR: AND SO SHALL WE EVER BE WITH THE LORD. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)



Paul then goes on to give the details of how the salvation of the Church is obtained:


“Now this I say, brethren, THAT FLESH AND BLOOD CANNOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. BEHOLD, I TELL YOU A MYSTERY: We shall not all sleep, BUT WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED–IN A MOMENT, IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE, AT THE LAST TRUMPET. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, AND WE SHALL BE CHANGED. FOR THIS CORRUPTIBLE MUST PUT ON INCORRUPTION, AND THIS MORTAL MUST PUT ON IMMORTALITY. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?'” (1 Corinthians 15:50-55 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)



Exploiting the Believer’s
Ignorance of the Bible

Some ministers, churches and denominations try to take advantage of our inexperience with the Scriptures. Here’s one example. Our Bible, such as the King James Version (and many others) exist as an English translation of the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic manuscripts. It was in these ancient documents that God preserved His Word — and our modern-day Bible is a translation of these writings. Those who say the Bible doesn’t teach about the rapture — or that the word “rapture” isn’t in the Bible — are being dishonest. God considers these kind of deceptive practices by some spiritual leaders, a serious sin. Why? It cheats the Christian believer out of encouragement or an important benefit. Our English-translated Bible doesn’t use the word “rapture”. However, it does use terminology that means the same thing as recorded in the ancient Biblical languages. For example, the phrase “caught up to meet Christ in the air” (as recorded in 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18) — or Christ’s warning that describes “an escape” that God provides for believers before the soon-to-occur Tribulation (as recorded in the words of Christ from Mark 13:19 and Luke 21:25-36 previously quoted) carries the same meaning as our English word “rapture”. Also, Paul’s words that “all would be changed from mortal to immortal in the twinkling of an eye” (as recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:50-52) is a description of the “Translation of the Church”, which is another expression of the word “rapture”.

The word “rapture” comes from the Greek word “harpazo”, which has many meanings, yet very similar definitions. It is used in 13 verses in the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Some of the ways Harpazo is used includes:


  • To carry off
  • To take by force
  • To pluck up
  • To snatch up
  • To catch away
  • To be caught up
  • To physically move from one place to another


One popular evangelist was having dinner at a Greek resturant. He asked the owner to define the word Harpazo. The owner, whose native language was Greek replied, “That’s easy — it literally means to grab someone by the hair of the head and jerk them out of harm’s way.”

This is why anyone who says the Bible doesn’t teach about the rapture is lying to you.


The Cross of Christ Changed Everything

Following Christ’s crucifixion, the entire price for the salvation of all true believers in the Church was paid in full. After the cross, all believers are made worthy (righteous) only by the blood of Christ who is declared by Saint John to be, “The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). It is this “totally paid for redemption” that allows Paul to proclaim that ALL (OR THE ENTIRE BELIEVING CHURCH) WILL BE CHANGED (OR TRANSLATED/RAPTURED) TO MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR. Before the cross, during the earthly ministry of Christ, a person’s worthiness was determined by their obedience to the commandments of Old Testament Law. During this time, our paid-in-full redemption (by Christ’s blood) was still in the future. This is why Jesus correctly warned his audience to “pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape”. Those who lived under Old Testament Law needed to take care that they were “worthy” through their obedience and “works of the Law”. After the cross, the blood of Christ paid the price to make all true believers “worthy” of His salvation as an unmerited and undeserved benefit (also known as Grace). This includes those with a high-level of Christian performance AND ALSO THOSE WHO ARE DEFICIENT IN THESE THINGS. This unconditional forgiveness and imputed worthiness (righteousness) freely given by God to all true believers is known as “THE NEW AND LIVING WAY OF CHRIST”. THIS “NEW AND LIVING WAY OF CHRIST” WASN’T AVAILABLE BEFORE THE CROSS.


“Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS (THE NEW COVENANT), BY A NEW AND LIVING WAY WHICH HE (JESUS) CONSECRATED FOR US, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, FOR HE WHO PROMISED IS FAITHFUL.” (Hebrews 10:19-23 — Emphasis Mine)

If the reader wants more information, click on the link below.

Our Position In Christ

(Also Read Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 11:29, Romans 10:8-13, Romans 11:6, Romans 4:4-8, Romans 3:24-26, 1 John 1:7, Titus 3:5-7)


Wolves Disguised As God’s
Shepherds and Sheep

Jesus warned about the danger of “wolves in sheep clothing”, who ignore the context of Scripture and seek to redefine the liberating Gospel of Christ into a spiritually lethal form of theology. Saint Paul called this kind of “Christian teaching”, spiritual bondage. People forget that it was the religious leaders (The Scribes and Pharisees) and not the “laity” that persuaded Pontius Pilate to crucify Christ. Contrary to popular opinion, these kinds of apostate spiritual leaders still exist in large numbers and travel under different names and carry impressive seminary credentials. It is not some “fringe” movement, but a mainstream influence in the world-wide institutional Christian Church. This situation remains a threat to both experienced and inexperienced believers.


“THIS KNOW ALSO, THAT IN THE LAST DAYS PERILOUS TIMES SHALL COME. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, FALSE ACCUSERS, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS, BUT DENYING THE POWER THEREOF: FROM SUCH TURN AWAY. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, EVER LEARNING, AND NEVER ABLE TO COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, SO DOES THESE ALSO RESIST THE TRUTH: men of corrupt minds, REPROBATE CONCERNING THE FAITH.” (2 Timothy 3:1-8 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)

“But what I do, I will also continue to do, that I may cut off the opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the things of which they boast. For such are FALSE APOSTLES, deceitful workers, TRANSFORMING THEMSELVES INTO APOSTLES OF CHRIST. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. THEREFORE IT IS NO GREAT THING IF HIS MINISTERS ALSO TRANSFORM THEMSELVES INTO MINISTERS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, whose end will be according to their works.” (2 Corinthians 11:12-15 — Emphasis Mine)

To the church of Ephesus, Jesus said, “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. AND YOU HAVE TESTED THOSE WHO SAY THEY ARE APOSTLES AND ARE NOT, AND FOUND THEM TO BE LIARS . . .” (Revelations 2:2 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)


Jesus and John the Baptist called the false religious leaders of their day,
“Brood of vipers” (Matthew 3:7, Matthew 12:34, Matthew 23:33, Luke 3:7)

Other names were used such as “wolves in sheep’s clothing” and “whitewashed tombs”
(Matthew 7:15, Luke 10:3, Acts 20:29, Matthew 23:27)


The Church Obtains It’s Complete
Salvation At The Rapture

In this commentary we are not trying to create controversy about some obscure event called “the rapture” — just to be controversial. Contrary to some popular, yet wrong teaching, this topic is far from something obscure or unimportant. The rapture or what is also called “The Translation of the Church” IS THE COMPLETION OF CHRIST’S SALVATION FOR THE BELIEVER LIVING IN THE AGE OF GRACE. As we discovered previously in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-10, Paul referred to it as “OBTAINING SALVATION THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST”. The meaning of the word “translation” is simply A CHANGE THAT TAKES PLACE FROM ONE SPHERE OF EXISTENCE TO ANOTHER. We can see something similar occur in nature when a caterpillar encases itself in a cocoon and emerges some time later as a beautiful butterfly. Paul used this terminology in 1 Corinthians 15:50-55 (previously quoted) when he told believers in the Church that, “WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED”. The Holy Spirit through Saint Paul was telling us that WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED (or translated) from our present mortal state (flesh and blood) to an incorruptible and immortal existence that can inherit God’s Kingdom. When Jesus died on the cross, his mortal body, which was subject to death, was placed in the grave. However, three days later God resurrected Him with a new incorruptible and immortal body THAT IS NO LONGER SUBJECT TO DEATH. JESUS CHRIST WAS THE FIRST TO EXPERIENCE THIS “TRANSLATION” (OR CHANGE) WHILE IN THE TOMB. THIS IS THE REASON JESUS IS REFERRED TO AS, “THE FIRSTBORN FROM THE DEAD”. Saint John reveals this truth when he said:


“Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, AND FROM JESUS CHRIST, THE FAITHFUL WITNESS, THE FIRSTBORN FROM THE DEAD, AND THE RULER OVER THE KINGS OF THE EARTH. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” (Revelation 1:5-6 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)

If God’s Word tells us that there is a “firstborn from the dead”, then there is also a second, third, (and so on)…born from the dead. If you’re a believer, your number is in there, somewhere. Otherwise, the term “firstborn” makes little sense. Living Christian believers, also referred to as “the body of Christ” in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 12:27 and Ephesians 4:12), will experience THE SAME KIND OF CHANGE THAT OCCURRED TO CHRIST AT HIS RESURRECTION. This happens at a future event commonly called “the rapture” (or what Jesus called “the escape”). Why? Christian believers represent Christ’s body on the earth and are destined to possess the same kind of body as their incorruptible and immortal Lord. Regardless of how incredible this all sounds, BELIEVERS IN CHRIST MUST BE CHANGED (OR TRANSLATED) to fulfill what the Bible promises. The translation (or rapture) will happen whether your church teaches it or not. Why? God’s reputation is at stake. Becoming like our Lord Jesus Christ, which includes receiving the same type of body He now possesses, IS GOD’S ULTIMATE PLAN AND WILL FOR US.


“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, HE ALSO PREDESTINED TO BE CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON, THAT HE (JESUS CHRIST) MIGHT BE THE FIRSTBORN AMONG MANY BRETHREN. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, THESE HE ALSO GLORIFIED.” (Romans 8:28-30 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)

“But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, EVEN SO IN CHRIST ALL SHALL BE MADE ALIVE. BUT EACH ONE IN HIS OWN ORDER: CHRIST THE FIRSTFRUITS, AFTERWARD THOSE WHO ARE CHRIST’S AT HIS COMING. Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.” (1 Corinthians 15:20-24 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)

The translation (or rapture) EXISTS AS A MAJOR FULFILLMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT SALVATION THAT JESUS PAID FOR, IN BLOOD, AT THE CROSS. THE WHOLE BODY OF CHRIST (THE ENTIRE BELIEVING CHURCH) WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE RAPTURE. Contrary to some popular false and out-of-context Bible teaching, this soon-to-occur “translation” is not something given to a “chosen few” as a reward for exceptional Christian service, faithfulness and holy living. While these attributes are all good things every believer should desire, the Bible teaches that they can never qualify us for the rapture. All believers are justified freely by Christ’s blood (Note: the word “justified” means that God treats them as if they had never sinned). Those with a high degree of Christian performance AND THOSE DEFICIENT IN THESE THINGS — (BOTH GROUPS AND EVERYONE IN BETWEEN) ARE COMPLETELY AND FREELY JUSTIFIED BY FAITH IN CHRIST’S REDEEMING BLOOD.


“…BEING JUSTIFIED FREELY BY HIS GRACE THROUGH THE REDEMPTION THAT IS IN CHRIST JESUS, whom God set forth as a propitiation BY HIS BLOOD, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. (Romans 3:24-26 — Emphasis Mine)

It is this “free justification” and our “paid-in-full” redemption that qualifies ALL BELIEVERS IN CHRIST to participate in the rapture of the Church. Scripture refers to it as “the believer’s blessed hope” (Titus 2:11-14).

Any pastor, evangelist, minister or apostle, regardless of how well-intentioned, who claims that the Bible does not teach about the rapture (or omits the topic from their sermons and teachings) is guilty of distorting a central truth of Christ’s salvation. It can lead Christian believers and whole congregations astray in their faith. These kinds of misguided teachings or sermons, regardless of its source, are labeled as a “perversion of the gospel”. It carries a perverting influence because it attempts to redefine Christ’s salvation by removing or discrediting the offensive and divisive elements and treating them as non-essential. Saint Paul warned that this “perverted gospel” also carried a frightening curse (Carefully read Galatians 1:6-9). Paul uses the term “accursed”, which suggests that it brings Divine rejection. Paul constantly opposed the popular “Bible teachers” of his day who taught this kind of false “Christian theology”. It is the reason why we can never trust that all ministers who claim they are serving Christ (including those trained in seminary) are giving us the real truth of the Gospel. Thinking that all ministers are right because they seem sincere and loving or have good intentions is a fatal mistake that has claimed many victims down through the history of the church. Unfortunately, the perverted gospel that Paul warned about is now mainstream in the world-wide Christian Church.


“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; AND AVOID THEM. FOR THEY THAT ARE SUCH SERVE NOT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, but their own belly; AND BY GOOD WORDS AND FAIR SPEECHES DECEIVE THE HEARTS OF THE SIMPLE (SPIRITUALLY INEXPERIENCED).” (Romans 16:18 — Emphasis Mine)



Closing Thoughts

We must briefly touch on some influences that drive some ministers to discredit or attempt to undermine the Church’s salvaton at the translation/rapture, or view it with contempt. Once again, this common attitude does not come from some kind of “fringe” agenda. It’s something very dominant and “mainstream” in the world-wide institutional Church.

We can’t properly study the subject of the rapture unless we understand the source of the massive confusion in the church. Unfortunately, this involves “looking beneath the surface” and going deeper than most people want to go. We must always base our faith on God’s Word (the rule-book for our faith), which makes it necessary to examine what Scripture has to say. However, in this situation, a topic like the rapture cannot be properly addressed in a couple paragraphs. There are numerous “theological systems” that dominate the Christian church AND OPERATE BY STEALTH. These systems of theology each interpret Scripture in a different way. They tend to act as a “filter” that various churches and their congregations use to make sense of the Bible. Here’s the problem: If this “theological filter” is faulty then your interpretation of Scripture will also be faulty. When dealing with the doctrine of Christ’s Salvation, this sets up a disastrous situation. This is why we must have at least a surface understanding of these “methods of interpretation” in order to answer certain questions. Three of the most dominant systems of theology are:


  • Catholicism
  • Reformed Theology (and its variants of Calvinism and Replacement Theology)
  • Dispensationalism


From this list, I will not discuss Catholicism, in order to keep these comments as brief as possible and to limit our discussion to the Protestant side of the Christian Church.

Note: To keep from adding more confusion, the reader should understand that all comments here are generalized. Otherwise, our response would be the size of a 150 page book that few people would read. This particular topic has been the “flash-point” of a spiritual war that’s been raging for hundreds of years INSIDE THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. However, regardless of the restrictions, we can still get an understanding of the problem.


How Reformed Theology Distorts
The Holy Scriptures

This popular and dominant theology generally views the entire Bible as having one uniform message. In other words, those who embrace Reformed theology passionately believe that the way God interacts with the human race in the Old Testament generally remains the same in the New Testament. This view is empowered by the belief (to a greater or lesser degree in some mainline churches) that Israel was rejected by God for their sin of crucifying Christ and was PERMANENTLY REPLACED with the New Testament Christian Church. As a result, many “reformed ministers and teachers” believe that the current nation of Israel is permanently and divinely cursed and should be destroyed for her sin. They are blinded by their theology that the restoration of the nation of Israel, which occurred in 1948 is a powerful fulfillment of Bible prophecy. As a result of their error, reformed ministers and their followers now believe the Christian Church is “The New Israel” and Christian believers are now the new “spiritual Jews”. (I do not hold this view because it violates the context of Scripture and distorts Christ’s Salvation)

Through this act of permanent rejection, reformed ministers (and their followers) sincerely believe that God transferred the entire Old Testament spiritual program of Israel to the Christian Church. This popular belief is known as “Replacement Theology” and operates in a majority of churches that embrace Reformed Theology. Once again, this influence dominates most mainline Protestant denominations (and also Roman Catholicism). However, the way God deals with our sin — and how the Holy Spirit operates RADICALLY CHANGED after the crucifixion of Christ and the day of Pentecost. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST WARNED HIS DISCIPLES ABOUT THESE MAJOR FUTURE CHANGES SHORTLY BEFORE HIS CRUCIFIXION — and the apostle Paul provides more insight into these changes in his epistles to the Church. Yet, Replacement/Reformed ministers continue to teach their congregations as if little change has taken place — and that the program of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament with Israel continues pretty much the same into the New Testament (after the cross), WHICH IS ONE REASON IT’S DESCRIBED AS HAVING ONLY ONE UNIFORM MESSAGE. If it’s “uniform” then its THE SAME THROUGHOUT.

Reformed theologians use an interpretation method called “allegorizing (or spiritualizing) Scripture” to make the Bible fit their traditions and doctrine. This is nothing more than misapplying Scripture by either ignoring or abusing its context. It has the disastrous effect of making the New Testament appear to be just a continuation of the Judaistic Old Testament religious system (with Jesus Christ added in). Even worse, it destroys the divinely crafted context of the Bible. This method of interpretation is responsible for many dangerous distortions of God’s true intentions toward the believer found in Scripture. It is also responsible for a majority of the attacks against the authentic Gospel of Christ, WHICH IS BASED ON THE NEW COVENANT GRACE (OR UNMERITED AND UNDESERVED FAVOR) OF GOD. Yet, reformed doctrine redefines the word “Grace”. This skillfully modified message continues to be presented as fundamental Bible truth, which can mislead entire congregations. Even though it is dominant in the world-wide institutional Christian church, we consider Replacement/Reformed Theology as a misleading religious system that can take believers astray in their faith. Why? It redefines important Bible doctrines of the Christian faith (through spiritualizing Scripture) that were meant to be understood by a “literal” interpretation of the Bible.


A vast majority of the verbal assaults against the Pre-tribulation rapture comes from Pharisaical religion, which operates inside the institutional Christian Church. Scripture reveals that God will use something that Jesus called, “the tribulation of those days” (also known as “Jacob’s Trouble”) to bring Israel back to Himself in the end-times. Pharisaical religion commits the error of merging Israel’s Old Testament program of Judaism with the Church’s New Testament program of Grace (or the unmerited favor of God). IT’S THE SAME FALSE THEOLOGY THAT SAINT PAUL CONDEMNED AND WHICH NEARLY DESTROYED THE GALATIAN CHURCH OF THE FIRST CENTURY. (Some theologians refer to it as “The Galatian Error” or “Galatian religion”) This is the reason these well-intentioned, yet misguided theologians (and their followers), who support this popular Galatian doctrine conclude that the Church must go through the tribulation. Why? Their theology deceives them into thinking that the Church is now “The New Israel”, which is a gross violation of Biblical context and, as Saint Paul put it, “perverts the salvation of Christ”. This is the reason that those who embrace Pharisaical religion (or what some call Galatian Religion and Reformed theology) considers the Pre-tribulation rapture teaching, where the Church (or worthy ones) escapes the coming judgment on the earth–to be a heresy. It is also why they viciously attack anyone who believes this way. Yet, few of them seem to notice that their accusations of heresy are directed at a truth taught by our Lord Jesus Christ. It gives new meaning to the warning of Saint Paul who said, “Let no man deceive you by any means”.



The Galatian Error is Renamed
and Reintroduced Into The
Christian Church

The Holy Scriptures teach that the Old Testament program of Israel and the New Testament program of the Church are two separate and different administrations (or dispensations) that must never be treated the same OR MERGED TOGETHER. Contrary to popular reformed teaching, GOD HAS NOT PERMANENTLY REJECTED ISRAEL, RESULTING IN THE REASSIGNMENT OF THEIR SPIRITUAL PROGRAM TO SOMEONE ELSE. When reformed theologians fail to “rightly divide” the Word of Truth (as Saint Paul taught in 2 Timothy 2:15), they take the two spiritual programs of the Bible (Israel and the Church) AND MERGE THEM TOGETHER INTO ONE PROGRAM. This is a gross violation of Biblical context and is nothing more than the reinvention of Galatian religion (Paul called it “a different gospel”), which was rejected by the apostolic leadership of the first century church.

The Bible condemns this kind of Bible interpretation as something that perverts God’s original intention and redefines our salvation through Christ. As a result, God assigns a curse on all who preach this kind of distorted doctrine (Carefully Read Galatians 1:6-8). In other words, IT’S A SPIRITUALLY ILLEGAL PRACTICE THAT CAUSES GOD TO TAKE SEVERE DISCIPLINARY ACTION AGAINST THE PREACHERS AND THEIR FOLLOWERS. Although many churches call this “merging of administrations”, fundamental Bible teaching doesn’t change the fact the God condemns the theology as false and misleading. Instead of keeping these programs separate (or as Saint Paul called it — rightly divided), as the rules of Scriptural context demands, it mixes Israel’s Old Testament program of the Law with the Church’s New Testament program of Grace (God’s unmerited and undeserved favor) and reinvents the Church as “The New Israel”. It creates a false, yet new spiritual program that the adherents claim is fundamental Bible teaching. Yet, it only appears to be Biblical because the context of Scripture is distorted (this is also referred to as “spiritualizing Scripture).

A vast majority of the Christian Church is guilty of engaging in this forbidden practice. As we repeatedly say in our commentaries; this is a mainstream theology in the institutional Christian Church. It’s not some kind of minor influence from a fringe sect. It’s disastrous because it carries many unintended spiritual consequences by corrupting our faith in Christ, while fooling the believer into thinking they are following the teachings of God’s Word. For these reasons, the leadership of the early church, especially Saint Paul, rightly considered this theology a serious error that leads us astray in our faith. He warned the early church to constantly be on guard against it. Yet, we are told by some church leaders in the popular unity movement that we’re all children of God and that it’s just “a difference of opinion”.

We recently discovered a commentary from C.I. Scofield, who produced the popular “Scofield Reference Bible” and sounds a sober warning to the institutional Christian Church. We are not necessarily students of Scofield. Yet, we find that his writings reinforce the subject of this commentary.


“In contrast to Reformed theology is Dispensationalism. Dispensationalism says that to find the believer’s rule of life you must go not to Mount Sinai, but to Mount Calvary. Mount Sinai is powerless to justify a person and Mount Sinai is also powerless to sanctify a person. The law is not the believer’s rule of life. Something else is. The Scofield Bible states this position very clearly: “The test of the gospel is grace. IF THE MESSAGE EXCLUDES GRACE, OR MINGLES LAW WITH GRACE AS THE MEANS OF JUSTIFICATION OR SANCTIFICATION, OR DENIES THE FACT OR GUILT OF SIN WHICH ALONE GIVES GRACE ITS OCCASION AND OPPORTUNITY, IT IS ‘ANOTHER’ GOSPEL, AND THE PREACHER OF IT IS UNDER THE ANATHEMA OF GOD.”

[From “Footnote #6” in the SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE under Galatians 1:6–Emphasis Mine.]

“Most of us have been reared and now live under the influence of Galatianism. PROTESTANT THEOLOGY IS FOR THE MOST PART THOROUGHLY GALATIANIZED, in that neither the law or grace is given its distinct and separate place as in the counsels of God, BUT THEY ARE MINGLED TOGETHER IN ONE INCOHERENT SYSTEM. The law is no longer, as in the divine intent, a ministration of death (2 Cor. 3:7), of cursing (Gal. 3:10), or conviction (Rom. 3:19), because we are taught that we must try to keep it, and that by divine help we may. Nor does grace, on the other hand, bring us blessed deliverance from the dominion of sin, for we are kept under the law as a rule of life despite the plain declaration of Romans 6:14.” — C.I. SCOFIELD –


If the reader wants more information, click on the links below.

Avoiding the Error of Replacement Theology

The Spiritual Revolution of Christ

Contending For The Faith


The popular and accepted practice of merging these spiritual programs together is what convinces many Bible prophecy teachers to reject any idea that believers will escape “the tribulation of those days”. This rejection is contrary to what both Jesus and Saint Paul taught about the end times. When we learn the purpose for the Tribulation, we discover that it’s sent as severe judgment to bring Israel, who rejected and crucified their Messiah, back into relationship with God. Why is He bringing Israel back? Because of an “everlasting covenant” that He made with them in the book of Genesis, they were only temporarily set aside and were never permanently rejected. Following the cross, the apostle Paul addresses this common misconception when he says:


“I say then, hath God cast away his people (The Jews)? GOD FORBID. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. GOD HATH NOT CAST AWAY HIS PEOPLE WHICH HE FOREKNEW.” (Romans 11:1-2)

“For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. AND SO ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED….” (Romans 11:25-26 NKJV — Emphasis Mine)


Distorting The Purpose
Of the Tribulation

The tribulation pertains only to Israel and the rest of the nations that rejected the salvation of God’s Son. THE CHURCH (ALL TRUE BELIEVERS IN CHRIST) DOESN’T NEED TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO GOD. Unlike Israel, the Church believed in Christ (the Jewish Messiah and our Lord) and received His Salvation. It is this characteristic of having “received Christ” that makes the Church what it is. THIS IS WHY JESUS PROMISED THAT THERE WAS AN ESCAPE THAT GOD PROVIDES FOR “THE WORTHY ONES”. They are the ones that did not reject Christ, but believed on Him. Following the cross, “the worthy ones” are all those who are freely justified by receiving God’s gift of eternal life. Jesus Christ as, “The Lamb of God that took away the sin of the world” – completely took away all the sin of the Church and made them “worthy to escape the judgments of the tribulation”.

Reformed theology, Calvinism and all its countless related variants considers the Church (to a greater or lesser degree) to be “the new Israel” and the believer to be “the new Jew”. FOR THIS REASON, THEY BELIEVE THAT THE NEW ISRAEL MUST GO THROUGH THE TRIBULATION BECAUSE BOTH GOD AND SCRIPTURE SUPPORTS THIS IDEA.



As a result, they make fun of those who believe and teach about the Church’s escape, WHICH IS THE FULFILLMENT OF HER SALVATION. They belittle and mock the rapture by calling it “the great snatch”. They say that Christians who think this way are seeking to “skip out on the will of God” in the tribulation by choosing to wrongly believe in “escapism”. They mock and call them “deceived religious nuts” and claim that the Bible teaches no such doctrine as the rapture. However, the only thing these “religious nuts” are guilty of — is believing what Jesus taught about “the tribulation of those days”. Also, think about this: What person in their right mind wouldn’t want to escape the horrors of the tribulation IF GOD MADE A WAY OF ESCAPE – LIKE JESUS SAID THAT HE DID. I always thought the real “religious nuts” were the ones who wanted to go through this horrific time period and considered it “God’s will” for their life”. Unfortunately, if they continue to teach this kind of error, they just might get their wish.

There’s something seriously wrong with so-called “Christian ministers” who malign and mock someone because they desire to believe something good that Jesus said. Maybe this is why Saint Paul taught that their theology was not only misguided but “demonically inspired” and warned that God has placed a curse on their ministry and those that follow them (Carefully Read Galatians 1:6-8). C.I. Scofield warned that they were “under the anathema of God”, which means denounced, banished or accursed. Folks, I don’t know about you, but this is terrifying — and a vast majority of the institutional Christian Church ignores the existence of this warning and lives in a type of dangerous “spiritual denial”. Because their reformed “theological filter” has a serious flaw, they remain blind to the liberating facts, even when these truths are being revealed by Jesus Christ Himself.


A Dispensational View of the Bible

We agree with both Jesus and Paul that the Bible is divided into two major “administrations” or spiritual programs THAT MUST NEVER BE MIXED TOGETHER. Another name for this view is “dispensationalism”, which is in direct opposition to the uniform message of Reformed Theology. The Old Testament represents Israel’s Old Covenant administration (or dispensation) — and the New Testament contains the Church’s New Covenant administration (or dispensation). For the sake of brevity, I will not discuss the details of dispensationalism in this commentary, except to say that it represents a “literal” interpretation of the Bible, which keeps the Divine context of the Holy Scriptures intact. The Bible is designed by God as “dispensational”. That alone makes it important.

Rather than the “uniform view of Bible history” found in Reformed Theology, Dispensationalists correctly believe that Biblical history is divided into different dispensations or administrations. In each dispensation, God sets out to accomplish something totally different. For example: The rules and principles that govern salvation under Old Testament Law are vastly different than the rules and principles that govern salvation under Christ’s New Covenant that didn’t begin until after the cross. Reformed theologians teach a “sameness” or uniformity of God’s program in the Bible for man throughout history, while Dispensationalists reveal the unique differences between each Divine administration. Reformed Theology spiritualizes Scripture to achieve agreement with the Biblical text. Dispensationalists use a “literal” interpretation of the Scripture, which makes it difficult to “theorize” their own interpretation to achieve Scriptural harmony. When Paul warned his disciple Timothy to “rightly (or correctly) divide the Word of Truth”, he was stating an important fact…that God’s Word is DIVIDED into two spiritual programs that must not be mixed together (2 Timothy 2:15). This is the essence of dispensationalism.

When churches, denominations and ministers attempt to discredit (or leave out) the translation/rapture of the Church in their teachings, it is almost always due to the influence of one of the countless variants of Reformed Theology. We must remember: When Scripture is removed from its context, it still appears, to the undiscerning Christian believer, to be Scripture that carries God’s authority. Few recognize that using a Scripture out of context either distorts or destroys God’s original intention. This is how many types of false theology, masquarading as God’s Word, continue to do great damage to the faith of God’s children.

If the reader is interested, here are some links
to commentaries with more information.

Has The Rapture Become Your Worst Nightmare?

A Warning About Violating
Biblical Context

Avoiding The Error Of Replacement Theology

The Prime Directive of the
Authentic Gospel of Christ

We Also Recommend The Following Audio/Video Links

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our recommendation of these links should not
be understood as complete agreement with all beliefs of
the author, who also may not agree with everything we teach.

Vanished (Pt. 1) By Dr. David Jeremiah [YouTube Video]

Vanished (Pt. 2) By Dr. David Jeremiah [YouTube Video]

Vanished (Pt. 3) By Dr. David Jeremiah [YouTube Video]

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church
By Dr. Ed Hindson [YouTube Video]

Why The Church Will Not Go
Through The Tribulation
By J. Vernon McGee (Audio)



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Most recent revision May 2014


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  1. Doamne, ia-mă în planurile Tale şi foloseşte-mă pentru slava Ta. Cu privire la Colegiul acesta, fie ca nici o exaltare a noastră să nu împiedice ceea ce lucrezi Tu. Corectează-ne măsura şi sensibilitatea până va fi uşor să-Ţi împlineşti planurile prin noi.


  1. „Dacă îşi ascunde El faţa, cine poate să-L vadă?” (Iov 34:29). În zilele astea de aşteptare sunt atât de puţine semne că Tu ai fi cu noi. Nu te rog pentru vreun semn vizibil al succesului, dar caut sentimentul binecuvântării şi a aprobării Tale.


  1. Doamne, n-am nici o indicaţie despre căile Tale prin detalii vizibile, dar aştept ca minunile Tale să se vadă curând. Cât de liniştit şi cât de liber sunt, chiar dacă nu înţeleg ce faci.


  1. Doamne, Te slăvesc pentru bucuria vieţii mele de aici – pentru dragostea soţiei şi a copilului, pentru studenţi, pentru darurile Duhului Sfânt. Ce minune a bucuriei şi a binecuvântării strălucitoare este locul acesta.


  1. Doamne, Dumnezeule Atotputernic, dă-mi astăzi înţelepciune ca să mă închin Ţie aşa cum se cuvine şi să-Ţi fiu plăcut Ţie. Descoperă-mi-Te din ce în ce mai mult în plinătatea şi frumuseţea Ta.


  1. Doamne, ce minunat este să mă gândesc la Tine! Dar oare când inima mea doritoare va fi acaparată întru totul de Tine? Parcă sunt paralizat de propria mea micime şi îngustime şi păcătoşenie.


  1. Cu siguranţă, Doamne, că nu am nevoie de mai multă confirmare a adevărului cuvintelor Tale cu privire la inima umană; dacă va fi voia Ta, nu vreau să ştiu mai mult despre aceasta. Vreau să ştiu mai mult despre Realitatea măreaţă şi plină de har a Răscumpărării Tale.


  1. „Iată, acestea sunt doar marginile căilor Sale… Dar tunetul puterii Lui cine-1 poate înţelege?” (Iov 26:14, RV) Atât de multe dispoziţii rătăcitoare plutesc prin sufletul meu; nu am nici înţelepciune, nici pricepere cu privire la lucrurile legate de Tine până ce Tu nu îmi luminezi întunericul.


  1. Doamne, situaţia prezentă apasă la maxim asupra conştiinţei mele în dimineaţa asta. Fă ca mintea mea, simţirile mele, întreaga mea natură să dorească ceea ce ai rânduit Tu pentru mine, ca astfel să ştiu că am făcut ce trebuie.


  1. „Curăţeşte-mă de greşelile ascunse. Fereşte-1, de asemenea, pe robul Tău de păcate ale mândriei” (Psalmul 19:12b, 13a- RV). O, să cunosc cum Tu manifeşti în mine pacea şi puritatea Ta!


  1. Doamne, Te slăvesc pentru faptul de a mă simţi bine în dimineaţa asta. Te laud pentru revelaţia adâncă a Răscumpărării! Străluceşte peste noi toţi cu o rază neumbrită.


  1. Doamne, cuvintele robului Tău rostesc a mea adâncă rugă –

Aştept de la Tine, Dumnezeul meu, tandreţea

Pe care-n nici un om n-o pot găsi,

Nici inima n-o plănuieşte, nici poate a o-nchipui.


  1. Doamne, sporeşte-mi siguranţa că exist în conştiinţa Ta, şi nu că Tu exişti în a mea. „Căci în toată lumea nu este nimeni în afară de Tine, Dumnezeul meu, nu este nimeni în afară de Tine.”


  1. Doamne, vin la Tine în dimineaţa asta cu un simţământ de cădere spirituală. Curăţeşte-mă prin harul Tău şi restabileşte-mă în locurile cereşti, în Cristos Isus.


  1. Doamne, fă să se dovedească faptul că voi fi „ca un pom sădit lângă un izvor de apă” (Psalmul 1:3), aducând roadă lui la vreme.


  1. Doamne, Te slăvesc că Tu eşti şi că înfaptuieşti voia Ta desăvârşită în şi prin viețile oamenilor.


  1. Doamne, lasă-mă să Te văd deplin şi nestingherit astăzi. Păstrează un interval luminos între Tine şi mine ca să văd calea pe care trebuie să merg.


  1. Doamne, dă-mi discernământ şi inspiraţie pentru lecţiile de azi, în special pentru discuţia despre „Sufletul Creştinului” din după-amiaza asta. Binecuvântează ziua şi fă-o să strălucească de puterea Ta.


  1. O, Doamne, trebuie să predic în Numele Tău astăzi. Să vorbesc despre „Dumnezeu este dragoste” (1 loan 4:8)? Să o fac fără inspiraţia Ta cea mare şi fără puterea Ta răscolitoare? Nu, Doamne fereşte!


  1. Doamne, în ce mare nevoie sunt! Ce slăbiciuni pândesc în locuri ascunse şi distrug întreaga mea fiinţă! O, Doamne, mă îndrept spre Tine. Ce mult am nevoie să-mi dau seama că despărţit de Tine nu pot face nimic!


  1. Doamne, Iţi mulţumesc pentru cuvântul din dimineaţa asta –„Domnul îl susţine cu mâna Lui” (Psalmul 37:24, KJV). Ah, Doamne, Tu îmi vorbeşti, într-adevăr, cu apăsarea mâinii Tale.


22.0, Doamne, redă-mi bucuria unică a prezenţei Tale şi fă-mă al Tău şi din Tine în locul acesta. Parcă sunt nepotrivit pentru altceva, decât numai să nădăjduiesc în Tine., Arată-mi un semn spre bine” (Psalmul 86:17, Bucureşti 2001), o, Doamne.


  1. „Nu te vei teme de ei; căci Domnul, Dumnezeul vostru este Cel care va lupta pentru voi” (Deuteronom 3:22, RV). Doamne, acest cuvânt a venit la mine insistent în timp ce citeam în dimineaţa asta. Privesc în întregime laTine!


  1. Doamne, străluceşte asupra mea astăzi, atrage-mă, condu-mă în toată frumuseţea scopurilor Tale divine; atinge-mi simţurile ca să văd căile Tale şi să-mi găsesc plăcerea în ele.


  1. O, Doamne, vin la Tine cu un simţământ copleşitor de uscăciune şi lipsă spirituală. însufleţeşte-mă, o, Doamne, pentru Numele Tău! Nu vreau să mă jelesc înaintea Ta, ci vreau să fiu umplut cu Duhul Tău.



  1. Doamne, cu laudă şi adorare vin la Tine în această dimineaţă de duminică. Te binecuvântez pentru asocierea înălţătoare a vieţii şi a creşterii mele cu ziua de Duminică.


  1. Doamne, azi fii Dumnezeu, mare, bun, plin de viaţă şi libertate; vino cu har şi putere. Te slăvesc pentru frumuseţea dimineţii.


  1. Doamne, Iţi mulţumesc pentru somnul nopţii trecute; Te binecuvântez că Tu nu dormitezi, nici nu dormi, ci ne păzeşti şi ziua, şi noaptea.


  1. Doamne, la Tine vin. Dă-mi un flux minunat din viaţa Ta până când gândirea mea, imaginaţia mea şi vorbirea mea vor fi în întregime din Tine. Ce măreţ ai reînnoit duhul meu şi mi-ai redat bucuria mântuirii Tale!


  1. Doamne, ce cuvinte puternice în „Lumina zilnică” din dimineaţa asta: „Fii tare şi curajos! Nu te teme, nici nu te înspăimânta, pentru că Domnul Dumnezeul tău este cu tine oriunde vei merge” (Iosua 1:9, Bucureşti 2001) Amin! Aleluia!


  1. Îți mulţumim că nu există „La revedere”. Te rugăm ca Pecetea şi Cununa Ta să fie peste noi toţi până Te vom vedea faţă în faţă.


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Ziua Ispășirii – Yom Kippur


Dupa Sarbatoarea Trambitelor putem citi despre urmatoarea Sarbatoare a Lui Adonai , in Vaikra ( Levitic ) 23: 26-32 Domnul a vorbit lui Moshe si a zis : In ziua a zecea a acestei a saptea luni , va fiZiua Ispasirii: atunci sa aveti o adunare sfanta , sa va smeriti sufletele , si sa aduceti Domnului jertfe mistuite de foc. Sa nu faceti nicio lucrare in ziua aceea , caci este Ziua Ispasirii, cand trebuie facuta ispasire pentru voi inaintea Domnului, Dumnezeului vostru. Oricine nu se va smeri in ziua aceea , va fi nimicit din poporul lui. Pe oricine va face in ziua aceea vreo lucrare oarecare , il voi nimici din mijlocul poporului lui. Sa nu faceti nicio lucrare atunci. Aceasta este o lege vesnica pentru urmasii vostri , in toate locurile in care veti locui. Aceasta sa fie pentru voi o zi de Shabat, o zi de odihna , si sa va smeriti sufletele in ziua aceasta.; din seara zilei a noua pana in seara urmatoare , sa praznuiti Shabatul vostru.”
“ Caci in ziua aceasta se va face ispasire pentru voi , ca sa va curatiti: veti fi curatiti de toate pacatele voastre inaintea Domnului. Aceasta sa fie pentru voi toti o Zi de Shabat, o zi de odihna , in care sa va smeriti sufletele. Aceasta sa fie o lege vesnica.” ( Vaikra 16: 30-31 ).
Ziua Ispasirii ( Yom Kippur , in Ebraica ) , este cea de-a zecea zi a lunii Tishrei ( Septembrie / Octombrie ) si este ultima Zi din cele Zece zile de penitenta infricosatoare ;  este considerata,  totodata,  cea mai solemna Zi din calendarul evreiesc. Intre evrei persista credinta ca tuturor acelora,  care n-au fost suficienti de buni ca sa fie inscrisi in Cartea Vietii in timpul Sarbatorii Trambitelor , li se mai ofera sansa celor 10 zile de cainta, dupa care soarta lor va fi pecetluita. De aceea intreaga Zi de Ispasire trebuie sa se consume in rugaciune si in post negru. Pentru ca este o Sarbatoare foarte solemna si trista , Ziua Ispasirii mai este numita simplu : Ziua aceea !  

Postul este una dintre cele mai serioase porunci pentru o asemenea zi. Torah afirma de cateva  ori , “ Aceasta sa va fie o lege vesnica : in luna a saptea , in a zecea zi a lunii , sa va smeriti sufletele ,sa nu faceti nicio lucrare , nici bastinasul , nici strainul care locuieste in mijlocul vostru.” ( Levitic 16: 29 ) sau “ In ziua a zecea a acestei luni a saptea , sa aveti o adunare sfanta , si sa va smeriti sufletele ; atunci sa nu faceti nicio lucrare.” ( Numeri 29: 1 ). Cuvantul de ordine pentru aceasta zi este “ lepadarea de sine “  care, tradus in practica , ar coincide cu postul si marturisirea pacatelor.

  1. Semnificatia istorica a Zilei Ispasirii

    Mijlocirea preoteasca 

In vechime marele preot intra in Sfanta Sfintelor ca sa faca Ispasirea pentru pacatele poporului. De Ziua Ispasirii , marele preot avea  de indeplinit o ceremonie mai speciala,  pentru ca el trebuia sa  mijloceasca,  intr-un fel unic , pentru  profanarea  Templului si pentru profanarea unei intregi natiuni.
Cheia acestei ceremonii consta in semnificatia darului de jertfa; trebuia sa  se ofere  un vitel si doi tapi , un sacrificiu triplu  pentru o vina multipla, din care nu era exclus nimeni,  nici macar Cohen ha Gadol . Prima data trebuia sacrificat vitelul pentru a indeparta nelegiuirea din Sanctuar,  datorata  faptelor imperfecte ale  marelui preot – deci era vorba despre o ispasire a preotului si a casei lui ( acesta nu putea intra oricum in Sfanta Sfintelor ) : “ Aaron sa-si aduca vitelul lui pentru jertfa de ispasire , si sa faca ispasire, pentru el si pentru casa lui.” ( Levitic 16 : 6 ) . In al doilea rand unul dintre tapi era ales ca sa fie sacrificat pentru a indeparta din Sanctuar toate nelegiuirile poporului : “ Sa ia cei doi tapi si sa-i puna inaintea Domnului , la usa cortului intalnirii. Aaron sa arunce sortul pentru cei doi tapi : un sort pentru Domnul , si un sort pentru Azazel. Aaron sa ia tapul care a iesit la sorti pentru Domnul, si sa-l aduca jertfa de ispasire. “ ( Levitic 16: 7-9 ). In al treilea rand , al doilea tap , cel pentru Azazel, era dezlegat si trimis sa rataceasca in pustie, el purtand marca tuturor nelegiuirilor poporului ( de fapt marele preot transfera,  pe acest animal,  toate pacatele si vinovatiile poporului ) : “ Iar tapul care a iesit la sorti pentru Azazel , sa fie pus viu inaintea Domnului , ca sa slujeasca pentru facerea ispasirii , si sa i se dea drumul in pustie, pentru Azazel.” De aceea,  inainte ca tapul sa fie trimis in pustie, marele preot isi intindea mainile peste capul lui si marturisea faradelegile poporului, oricate ar fi fost acestea. El media de fapt transferul pacatelor de la om,  la animalul socotit de-acum ca fiind blestemat. Iata de ce Torah subliniaza ca : “ Tapul acela va duce asupra lui toate faradelegile lor intr-un pamant pustiit ; in pustie sa-i dea drumul.” ( Levitic 16: 22 ).

Sa vedem acum care este semnificatia cuvantului Azazel.Termenul ebraic pentru constructia adjectivala tap ispasitor este a z a z e l . Pacatele poporului,  si implincit vina ca stare constienta si inconstienta,  erau asezate asupra tapului ispasitor ( expresia este destul de cunoscuta si in limba romana , pastrand aproximativ aceeasi semnificatie ). In fapt, tapul Azazel izgonit in pustie este o imagine a lui Satan care a fost predestinat – prin razvratirea sa initiala – unui iaz de foc incins : “ Si fiara a fost prinsa. si impreuna cu ea , a fost prins proorocul mincinos , care facuse inaintea ei semnele , cu cari amagise pe cei ce primisera semnul fiarei, si se inchinasera icoanei ei. Amandoi acestia au fost aruncati de vii in iazul de foc, care arde cu pucioasa.” ( Apocalipsa 19 : 29 ).
Haideti acum , repede sa aruncam o  privire in interiorul ceremoniei propriu-zise, descrisa asa cum am vazut in Levitic 16: 7-10 . In Levitic 16 : 8,  primul sorti  este pentru Adonai – “ La Adonai “ , si al doilea sorti este pentru Azazel – “ La Azaael.”Marele preot lua cei doi sorti , unul marcat cu “ La Adonai “ si celalalt  cu “ La Azazel “ , si ii arunca deasupra capului fiecarui animal, pecetluindu-le soarta. Era considerat un semn bun,  daca sortului “ La Adonai “ ii revenea  mana dreapta a marelui preot.  Acest lucru  insemna ca Dumnezeu era  de partea poporului si ii primea  cu multumire jertfa. ( Se stie – din nefericire – ca 40 de ani inainte de distrugerea Templului din Ierusalim, in anul 70 d. Ch, sortul “ La Adonai “ a fost tinut,   incontinuu,  de marele preot in mana stanga – consemnat in Talmud : Yoma 39a. ). La fiecare eveniment anual, pacatele oamenilor erau asezate peste tapul ispasitor ( Levitic 16 : 21-22 ), insa in cei 40 de ani, inainte de daramarea Templului, lucrurile s-au schimbat , sortul “ La Adonai “ nu a mai cazut  in mana dreapta a marelui preot , ci in mana lui stanga.

  1. Semnificatia spiritual- mesianica a Zilei Ispasirii

    Ziua Judecatii  si  Separarii 

 Cu riscul de –a repeta unele lucruri pe care le-am mai afirmat in alte comentarii si articole – insa repetitia este mama studiului ( a intelegerii ) – trebuie sa mentionez ca Dumnezeu ne-a dat aceasta ceremonie a aruncarii sortului, din timpul Zilei Ispasirii, pentru a ne invata cum va judeca EL popoarele pamantului , inainte de Imparatia Mesianica. Popoarele vor fi judecate in functie de cum s-au raportat – fiecare dintre ele – la poporul Israel. Toate popoarele care l-au dispretuit si l-au urat pe Israel – adica toti oamenii cu atitudini anti-semitevor fi socotite c a p r e si vor sta la stanga Judecatorului Suprem. Toate popoarele care l-au iubit pe Israel, care l-au incurajat si l-au ajutat sa se ridice cand era cazut in drum, vor fi o i l e adevarate, si ele vor avea dreptul sa intre in Imparatia Mesianica sau in Mileniu . Yeshua a vorbit destul de transant  despre aceasta atitudine  in Matei 25 : 31-46 . Mantuitorul a fost Darul  Tatalui pentru noi , marcat de la bun- inceputul intregii Sale Lucrari cu Sortul “ La Adonai “, pentru ca acesta a fost de fapt intregul Plan de Mantuire : pacatele intregii lumi – trecute, prezente si viitoare – au fost asezate pe Umerii Lui   (“ V-am invatat inainte de toate , asa cum am primit si eu ,  ca Christos a murit pentru pacatele noastre , dupa Scripturi; “) – 1 Corinteni 15: 3  . In continuare 1 Ioan 2: 2 ( “ EL este jertfa de Ispasire pentru pacatele noastre ; si nu numai pentru ale noastre, ci pentru ale intregii lumi.” ) si Isaia 53 : 4-5 ( “ Totusi , EL suferintele noastre le-a purtat , si durerile noastre le-a luat asupra Lui , si noi am crezut ca este pedepsit , lovit de Dumnezeu si smerit . Dar EL era strapuns pentru pacatele noastre , zdrobit pentru faradelegile noastre. Pedeapsa care ne da Pacea a cazut peste EL, si prin ranile Lui, suntem tamaduiti.” ) arata,  in continuare,  spre Jertfa unica si irepetabila a lui Dumnezeu.

Si tot despre aceasta ceremonie , inca un lucru mentionat in Mishna. Cu ocazia Zilei Ispasirii se obisnuia ca o panza rosie – impregnata cu sangele animalului sacrificat – sa fie legata  la  usa Templului , inainte ca tapul sa fie alungat in pustie. De fiecare data bucata de panza isi schimba culoarea, din rosu intens in alb stralucitor , de indata ce tapul isi gasea sfarsitul in pustie , vestind in acest fel ca Dumnezeu le acceptase evreilor sacrificiile,  si ca pacatele lor fusesera iertate. Aceast ritual se bazeaza pe textul din  Isaia 1: 18 (“ Veniti totusi sa ne judecam , zice Domnul. De vor fi pacatele voastre cum e carmazul , se vor face albe ca zapada ; de vor fi rosii ca purpura , se vor face ca lana “ )Mishna insa ne  relateaza ca timp de  40 de ani inainte de distrugerea Templului ,  panza –  niciodata in acesti ani-   nu s-a mai albit.
Spiritual vorbind semnificatia Zilei Ispasirii este cat se poate de benefica. In vechime aceasta era Ziua cand se curata Sanctuarul   si intreaga natiune, de orice impuritate. Numai in aceasta Zi – o singura data pe an – marele preot avea voie sa intre in Sfanta Sfintelor. Sangele celor trei jertfe – ale vitelului si ale tapilor – era pentru ispasirea nelegiuirii preotului  si a intregii lui case, si pentru ispasirea pacatului intregului popor, de la mic la mare , de la tanar, la batran ( Levitic 16 : 29-34 ).
Dumnezeu le-a  poruncit  israelitilor sa sacrifice un animal,  pe care sa-l considere  un substitut pentru propria lor sentinta de condamnare la moarte. Principiul viata pentru viata sta la baza sistemului sacrificial din toate timpurile.  Torah permitea un pret de rascumparare in bani , dar  numai in cazul in care omul respectiv era intr-o culpa mai usoara ( de exemplu cand proprietarul unui bou trebuia responsabilizat de omorul cauzat de propriul lui animal , v . Exod 21 : 28-32 ) .

 Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Fiul lui ADONAI a murit pe cruce ca un substitut al nostru, deoarece noi, intreaga umanitate pierduta, meritam moartea; cu totii am pacatuit  impotriva Legii si Autoritatii Divine, de aceea  numai  EL, Dumnezeu Adevarat din Dumnezeu Adevarat ,  putea  plati intregul pret al rascumpararii noastre inaintea lui Dumnezeu -Tatal ( Marcu 10: 45 : “ Caci Fiul Omului n-a venit sa I Se slujeasca , ci EL sa slujeasca , si sa-Si dea viata rascumparare pentru multi ! “ ) . Pretul rascumpararii s-a invartit in jurul celor 30 de arginti cu care Iuda si-a vandut Invatatorul ( Matei 26 : 14-16 ). Treizeci de arginti erau  pretul de rascumparare pentru o vina indirecta in vechime (v. Exod 21 : 32 ) . Numai in cazul unei hotii, sau a unei crime nu se putea face ispasirea ( Exod 22: 1-2 , Numeri 35: 31 ) . Iata de ce pentru Satan nu intra in discutie niciun fel de ispasire ( Ioan 8 : 34 ). Argintii ( sau siclii ) erau  pretul consolator minim pentru o varsare de sange , insa numai varsarea de sange putea  face Ispasirea (  Levitic 17 : 11 : “ Caci viata trupului este in sange. Vi l-am dat ca sa-l puneti pe altar , ca sa slujeasca de ispasire pentru sufletele voastre , caci prin viata din el face sangele ispasire” ).

Cuvantul grecesc h i l a s m o s se traduce prin “ impacare “, “ impaciuire” , si are acelasi inteles cu ebraicul k a p h a r , care de obicei se traduce prin “ ispasire “ (Romani 3 : 23-25 : “ Caci toti  oamenii  au pacatuit si sunt lipsiti de Slava lui Dumnezeu. Si sunt socotiti ne prihaniti, fara plata, prin Harul Sau , prin rascumpararea  care este in Christos Isus . Pe EL Dumnezeu L-a randuit mai dinainte sa fie, prin Credinta in Sangele Lui, o Jertfa de Ispasire –  Hilasmos , Kaphar –  ca sa-Si arate neprihanirea Lui…” ) .
Asadar scopul Zilei Ispasirii a fost,  si este,  sa ne indrepte ochii catre Yeshua , Marea noastra Ispasire. Pentru ca Legea – care este un lucru bun si  de netagaduit , ea- dandu-ne constiinta pacatului si  fiind o umbra a lucrurilor ce vor sa vina –  nu ar fi putut niciodata, alaturi de aceste sacrificii ritualice,  care se oficiau an dupa an , sa ne faca sa ne apropiem de Dumnezeu intr-o stare perfecta. Trebuia o  Jertfa mult mai mare si mai desavarsita, o Jertfa care sa Il doara pe Dumnezeu Insusi ( Evrei 10: 1-10 ). Intotdeauna Ziua Ispasirii ne va evalua relatia noastra cu Salvatorul si Mantuitorul sufletelor noastre. Aceasta Zi este, de asemenea, o ilustrare perfecta a evenimentelor viitoare , cand Adonai va judeca lumea cu dreptate, fara nicio partinire. Pentru noi, toti cei care ne-am ascuns in Sangele Lui sfant , nu va va fi decat BINE .  EL, care este CREDINCIOS preaiubitilor Sai,  ne-a sigilat deja in Cartea Vietii Mielului ! Glorie   in veci , TATALUI, FIULUI si SPIRITULUI SFANT !

(Prezentare de Otniela -Daniela Onu)

Postată  de Creştin ProIsrael

Reblogged from  http://crestinproisrael.blogspot.ro/2014/10/ziua-ispasirii-yom-kippur.html 

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Pe culmi spirituale

„l-a dus singuri de o parte pe un munte înalt.“    Marcu 9:2

     Cu toţii am avut momente de înălţare pe culmi spirituale, când am văzut lucrurile din perspectiva lui Dumnezeu şi am vrut să rămâ­nem acolo. Dar Dumnezeu nu ne lasă niciodată să rămânem acolo. Testul vieţii noastre spirituale este să avem puterea de a coborî; dacă avem putere doar să urcăm, ceva nu este în ordine. E înălţător să fii pe munte cu Dumnezeu, dar omul ajunge acolo numai pentru ca, după aceea, să coboare în valea celor stăpâniţi de diavol, pentru a-i ridica. Noi nu suntem făcuţi pentru munţi, pentru răsărituri şi pentru lucrurile care încântă ochiul; aceste lucruri sunt menite a fi momente de inspiraţie, doar atât. Suntem făcuţi pentru vale, pentru lucrurile obişnuite ale vieţii, şi aici trebuie să ne dovedim caracterul.  Egoismul spiritual vrea întotdeauna să rămână pe munte. Simţim că am putea să vorbim şi să trăim ca îngerii dacă am putea să rămânem pe munte. Momentele de înălţare sunt excepţionale, ele îşi au semnificaţia lor în viaţa noastră cu Dumnezeu, dar trebuie să fim atenţi ca  nu cumva egoismul nostru spiritual să facă din ele singurele momente valoroase.Noi suntem în stare să credem că tot ce se întâmplă trebuie transformat în învăţături folositoare, dar, de fapt, trebuie transformat în ceva mai bun decât învăţăturile: în caracter Muntele nu este făcut să ne înveţe ceva, ci să facă ceva din noi. Este o mare cursă să întrebi mereu: ,.La ce foloseşte această experienţă?” Nu putem măsura niciodată astfel lucrurile spirituale. Momentele de pe vârful muntelui sunt momente rare şi ele îşi au rostul lor în planul Lui Dumnezeu.






El a dat hrană celor ce se tem de El; El îşi aduce aminte pururea de legământul Lui.                        Psalmul 111.5

Cei ce se tem de Dumnezeu, nu se tem de lipsuri. Ani îndelungaţi Dumnezeu a găsit totdeauna cu ce să îi hrănească pe copiii Săi, fie în pustie, fie la pârâul Cherit sau în timpul robiei, ca şi în timpul foametei. Până acum Domnul ne-a dat zi de zi pâinea noastră cea de toate zilele şi noi nu ne îndoim că El va continua să ne hrănească până când nu va mai fi nevoie.Chiar cele mai mari şi mai înalte binecuvântări din Legământul Harului, El nu va înceta să le răspândească peste noi, după nevoile noastre. El îşi aduce aminte de legământul pe care l-a încheiat cu noi şi nu lucrează niciodată ca şi cum I-ar părea rău că l-a încheiat. El îşi aduce aminte de acest legământ chiar când noi îl ispitim ca să ne nimicească. El nu uită să ne iubească, să ne păzească şi să ne încurajeze, aşa cum a făgăduit. Toate făgăduinţele din legământul Său, le are mereu sub ochi, şi El nu va îngădui ca vreun cuvânt al Său să cadă la pământ. Iată că noi îl uităm prea adesea pe Dumnezeul nostru, pe când El Se gândeşte mereu la noi cu dragoste. El nu poate să uite pe Fiul Său, care este chezaşul Legământului Său, nici pe Duhul Sfânt, care este elementul de legătură al Legământului, nici slava Sa care este legată de acest Legământ. „De aceea temelia lui Dumnezeu rămâne tare” şi nici un credincios nu poate pierde moştenirea dumnezeiască la care are drept prin acest legământ.



ţa şi Seara



 Roade bune, noi şi vechi, pe care, pentru tine, iubitule, le-am păstrat.”                             Cântarea Cântărilor 7:13

Soţia doreşte să-i dăruiască lui Isus tot ce produce. Inimile noastre au „tot felul de roade” (Cânt 7:13), „noi şi vechi”, pregătite pentru Prea Iubitul nostru. In toamna aceasta bogată în roade, să ne păzim recoltele. Avem roade „noi”. Dorim să simţim viaţă nouă, bucurie nouă, recunoştinţă nouă. Dorim să luăm noi hotărâri şi să îndeplinim lucrări noi. Inimile noastre înmuguresc de rugăciuni noi, şi sufletele noastre se angajează în eforturi noi. Dar avem şi roade „vechi”. Una este dragostea dintâi. Ce fruct ales! Isus se desfată în el. Apoi este prima noastră credinţă. Este credinţa simplă prin care, neavând nimic, am ajuns să avem totul. Este bucuria momentului în care L-am cunoscut pe Domnul; să o readucem la viaţă. Avem apoi amintirile făgăduinţelor. Cât de credincios a fost Dumnezeu! Pe timp de boală, El ne-a vegheat la căpătâi cu blândeţe! Când am trecut prin ape adânci, El ne-a ridicat deasupra! Din cuptorul de foc, El ne-a scos cu îndurare. Roade vechi, într-adevăr! Avem multe roade vechi, fiindcă îndurările Lui au fost mai multe decât perii capului nostru. Trebuie să regretăm vechile păcate, dar am avut vremuri de căinţă date de El, vremuri în care am plâns la piciorul crucii şi am învăţat meritele sângelui Său. Avem roade în dimineaţa aceasta, roade vechi şi roade noi; dar principalul este că ele sunt pregătite pentru Isus. Într-adevăr, aceasta este cea mai bună şi mai primită slujbă, în care Isus este sprijinul sufletului, iar slava Sa este sfârşitul tuturor eforturilor noastre. Să ne pregătim roadele numai pentru Isus. Să le scoatem la iveală atunci când El este cu noi, şi să nu le lăsăm Ia vederea oamenilor. Isuse, vom răsuci cheia de la poarta grădinii noastre, şi nimeni nu va intra să fure roadele bune care au crescut pe pământul udat de sângele Tău. Tot ce este al nostru va fi al Tău şi numai al Tău, Isuse, Prea Iubitul nostru.




Domnul dă îndurare şi slavă.                 Psalmi 84:11

Bunătatea este înscrisă în natura lui Iehova. El găseşte plăcere în a dărui. Darurile Sale sunt extrem de valoroase, şi gratuite ca şi lumina soarelui. El dă har aleşilor Săi pentru că vrea, celor răscumpăraţi din cauza legământului Său, celor chemaţi din cauza făgăduinţei, credincioşilor fiindcă îl caută, păcătoşilor fiindcă au nevoie. El ne dă har din belşug, la timp, constant, repede, cu putere – dublând valoarea binecuvântării prin modul în care este oferită. El oferă har gratis, în toate formele, poporului Său. El le toarnă mereu şi din belşug în suflete har mângâietor, păstrător, sfinţitor, conducător, instructiv şi ajutător. El ne va da întotdeauna har îmbelşugat, orice ni s-ar întâmpla. Chiar dacă ne îmbolnăvim, Domnul ne dă har. Chiar dacă trecem prin sărăcie, harul ne este asigurat. Chiar dacă vine moartea, harul luminează ca o candelă în cele mai întunecoase momente. Cititorule, ce binecuvântare mare ţi-a dat Dumnezeu, acum când frunzele toamnei ruginesc pe cărări şi anotimpurile trec şi vin, să te bucuri de o făgăduinţă care nu piere: „Domnul dă îndurare şi slavă”. Conjuncţia şi” este ca un piron de diamant care leagă prezentul de viitor, fiindcă îndurarea şi slava merg întotdeauna împreună. Dumnezeu le-a căsătorit, şi nici una nu poate divorţa. Domnul nu va refuza slava cuiva atunci când i-a garantat acelei persoane dreptul de a trăi în îndurarea Sa. Într-adevăr, slava nu este altceva decât harul în haine de duminică, harul în plină floare, harul asemeni fructelor de toamnă – coapte şi desăvârşite. Nimeni nu poate spune cât de curând vom ajunge în slavă! S-ar putea să vedem Cetatea Sfântă înainte de sfârşitul lui octombrie. Oricum, fie că este vorba de un interval lung sau de unul scurt, vom fi slăviţi peste putin timp. Domnul va oferi slavă aleşilor Săi – slava cerului, slava veşniciei, slava lui Isus, slava Tatălui. Slăvi este făgăduinţa de excepţie a unui Dumnezeu credincios!

Două inele aurite într-un lanţ ceresc, din veşnicii:

Cei ce trăiesc prin har, curând şi slavă vor primi.


CHARLES H. SPURGEON- Meditatii de dimineata-OCTOMBRIE





 «Dar Dumnezeu îşi arată dragostea faţă de noi prin faptul că, pe când eram noi încă păcătoşi, Hristos a murit pentru noi.»                                                              ROMANI 5,8

Duhul Sfânt ne îndreaptă mereu cu faţa spre Isus, dovada vie a dragostei lui Dumnezeu revărsate din cer pentru noi. Când Iosif, fiul preferat al lui Iacov, a fost vândut de fraţii săi geloşi unei caravane de ismaeliţi care se îndrepta spre Egipt, el nu ştia că Dumnezeu avea planuri mari şi pline de binecuvântare pentru viaţa lui. Mai mult chiar, în Iosif (care a fost vândut la sugestia fratelui său Iuda pentru 20 de arginţi Dumnezeu L-a prefigurat în mod profetic pe Isus Hristos care, secole mai târziu, a fost vândut de Iuda Iscarioteanul pentru 30 de arginţi. Ce dragoste nemărginită şi primitoare! «Fiindcă atât de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea, că L-a dat pe singurul Lui Fiu, pentru ca oricine crede în El să nu piară, ci să aibă viaţa veşnică» (loan 3,16). Acceptă dragostea şi voia lui Dumnezeu pentru viaţa ta! El vrea ca Domnul Isus Hristos să Se reflecte prin viaţa ta şi astfel dragostea Sa nesfârşită să-ţi inunde inima. Acest lucru intenţiona apostolul Pavel să zică când a exclamat: «Copilaşii mei, pentru care iarăşi simt durerile naşterii până ce va lua Cristos chip în voii» (Gal. 4,19). El ne-a atras atenţia că trebuie să devenim una cu Isus Hristos într-o asemenea măsură încât să fim gata să acceptăm cu bucurie şi încredere orice cale pe care Dumnezeu în dragostea Sa doreşte ca noi să o urmăm.




de  Fritz BERGER

 1 Octombrie

“Iată, Dumnezeul nostru, căruia Ii slujim poate să ne scoată din cuptorul aprins, şi ne va scoate din mâna ta, împărate”.                                                      Daniel 3:17.

Împăratul Nebucadneţar a făcut un chip mare de aur, care avea înălţimea de 60 de coţi şi avea lăţimea de 6 coţi. Apoi a poruncit să cheme pe satrapi, pe îngrijitori şi pe guvernatori, pe judecători, pe vistiernici, pe legiuitori, pe sfătuitori şi pe toate căpeteniile ţinuturilor, ca să vină la sfinţirea chipului de aur. Şi când va suna trâmbiţa, să se arunce cu faţa la pământ şi să se închine statuii. Oricine nu se va arunca cu faţa la pământ, va fi aruncat chiar în clipa aceea, în mijlocul unui cuptor aprins. Erau şi trei iudei acolo, Şadrac, Meşac şi Abed-Nego care nu s-au închinat statuii. Ei au fost aşezaţi să administreze ţinutul Babilonului. Ei nu au ascultat porunca împăratului şi nu s-au închinat dumnezeilor lui. Ei au fost pârâţi şi împăratul i-a chemat la el şi le-a zis: “înadins oare, Şadrac, Meşac şi Abed-Nego, nu slujiţi voi dumnezeilor mei şi nu vă închinaţi chipului de aur, pe care l-am înălţat? Acum fiţi gata şi în clipa când veţi auzi sunetul trâmbiţei, cavalului, chitarei, alăutei, psaltirei, cimpoiului şi a tot felul de instrumente, să vă aruncaţi cu faţa la pământ şi să vă închinaţi chipului pe care l-am făcut; dacă nu vă veţi închina lui, veţi fi aruncaţi pe dată în mijlocul unui cuptor aprins. Si care este dumnezeul acela, care vă va scoate din mâna mea?” (vers.14-15). Întotdeauna au fost oameni care s-au închinat unor statui ca şi la Dumnezeu. Şi nu trebuie să fie cineva înţelept pentru ca să vadă, că un astfel de chip, statuie, nu poate ajuta. Trebuie să ne întrebăm: “Oare de ce nu vor oamenii să se închine lui Dumnezeu, Creatorul cerului şi al pământului? Nu putem înţelege, cum poate fi un om aşa de închis la minte. Satana este cel care duce în eroare şi cel care nu se întoarce la Dumnezeu, rămâne sub stăpânirea Satanei.






„Şi s-a umplut casa de mirosul mirului.”          loan 12,3

Casa din Betania era pentru Domnul Isus ca o oază în pustie. În această casă El a găsit pe cele două surori şi pe fratele lor a căror inimi îl iubeau şi îl recunoşteau pe Domnul. Desigur că Maria l-a recunoscut cel mai bine deoarece când venea la ei, ea îşi lua locul la picioarele Lui pentru a-l asculta. Celelalte lucruri pământeşti rămâneau pe urmă. In aceste situaţii ea putea spune ca mireasa din Cântarea Cântărilor: „Cu aşa drag stau la umbra Lui şi rodul Lui este dulce pentru cerul gurii mele.” (Cânt. Cânt. 2.3); sau: „Când am primit cuvintele Tale, le-am înghiţit, cuvintele tale au fost bucuria şi veselia inimii mele.” (Ier. 15.16). Această „parte bună” i-a dat Măriei mai multă înţelepciune pricepere şi cunoştinţă despre Domnul decât umblarea zilnică a celor doisprezece ucenici cu El. În loan 12 o găsim iarăşi pe Maria la picioarele lui Isus, dar de data aceasta nu ca să primească ceva, ci pentru a-I dărui ceva Mântuitorului. Numai şase zile mai erau până la Paşte, ultimele zile pe care Domnul le mai sărbătorea cu ucenicii, apoi trebuia să moară ca adevăratul Miel Pascal. Maria plină de înţelepciunea duhovnicească pe care a dobândit-o în decursul şederii ei la picioarele Domnului, a folosit ultimul prilej şi L-a uns pe Domnul înaintea morţii Lui. Preţul acestui mir curat a fost de trei sute de dinari, aceasta fiind plata unui ziler pe un an, după Matei 20.2. Toată casa s-a umplut de acest mir curat şi a fost o mare îmbărbătare pentru inima Domnului. Preţul Persoanei lui Isus era pentru inima acestei ucenice atât de mare, încât a dat TOTUL pentru El. Oare să fie adorarea noastră mai mică la Masa Domnului decât umplerea casei cu mirul cel curat?

Dacă sufletele noastre se varsă în jertfe de laudă şi de mulţumire „de bună voie”, s-o facă prin puterea Duhului Sfânt. în felul acesta adorarea noastră va avea frumuseţea mirosul, adâncimea şi înălţimea care vin din cer.




pentru astăzi



„Nu mă lăsa de ruşine în nădejdea mea!”

(Psalmul 119:116)

Psalmistul a scris: „Sprijineşte-mă, după făgăduinţa Ta, ca să trăiesc, şi nu mă lăsa de ruşine în nădejdea mea”. Care este nădejdea noastră? Cea de-a doua venire a Domnului Isus Hristos. Pavel explică: „credem că Isus a murit şi a înviat, credem şi că Dumnezeu va aduce înapoi împreună cu Isus pe cei ce au adormit în El… Căci însuşi Domnul, cu un strigăt, cu glasul unui arhanghel şi cu trâmbiţa lui Dumnezeu, Se va pogorî din cer, şi întâi vor învia cei morţi în Hristos. Apoi, noi cei vii, care vom fi rămas, vom fi răpiţi toţi împreună cu ei, în nori, ca să întâmpinăm pe Domnul în văzduh” (1 Tesaloniceni 4:14-17). Domnul Isus a spus: „pentru că vine ceasul când toţi cei din morminte vor auzi glasul Lui, şi vor ieşi afară din ele. Cei ce am făcut binele, vor învia pentru viaţă; iar cei ce au făcut răul, vor învia pentru judecată” (Ioan 5:28-29). În acea zi, rugăciunea Tatăl nostru va primi, în sfârşit, răspuns: „Vie împărăţia Ta, facă-se voia Ta, precum în cer şi pe pământ” (Matei 6:10). Compozitorul cântării a scris: „O, Doamne, pe Tine te aşteptăm, aşteptăm venirea Ta. Ţinta noastră e cerul, nu mormântul. O, trâmbiţă a îngerului! O, glas al Domnului! Binecuvântată odihnă, binecuvântată nădejde a sufletului meu”. Domnul Isus nu S-a răzgândit; El vine iarăşi. Pentru ce vine din nou? Pentru cei ce s-au pregătit, pentru a-i duce într-un loc pregătit, unde vor locui cu El pe vecie. Ai şi tu dorinţa de-a ajunge acolo?






Tit  2.1-15

          Alături de aceia care sunt rânduiţi „bătrâni” în adunare (cap. 1.5-9), fiecare creştin, tânăr sau vârstnic, frate sau soră, trebuie să aibă o bună mărturie (v. 2-10). Îndemnul adresat ro­bilor se aplică tuturor răscumpăraţilor Domnului. Puţini sunt aceia care nu au un şef peste ei şi, în orice fel, fiecare trebuia să se poată numi, ca şi Pavel, rob al lui Dumnezeu (cap. 1.1). Să fim „ornamente” care pun în valoare învăţătura dată de învăţătorul nostru (v. 1; comp. cu 1 împăraţi 10.4,5). Versetele 11 şi 12 ne înfăţişează harul lui Dumnezeu manifestându-se sub două forme: 1. aduce tuturor oamenilor o mântuire pe care n-o puteau aştepta prin ei înşişi; 2. îl instru­ieşte pe copilul lui Dumnezeu, învăţându-l să trăiască cum­pătat în viaţa personală; drept în relaţiile cu alţii; cu evlavie în relaţiile cu Domnul. Întreaga viaţă creştină este legată de aceste trei adverbe, iar ceea ce o susţine este speranţa care umple sufletul de fericire în prezent (v. 13; cap. 1.2; 3.7).   „Dumnezeului nostru Mântuitor, … marelui nos­tru Dumnezeu şi Mântuitor Isus Hristos” (v. 10, 13; vezi şi cap. 1.3,4; 3.4,6): acest titlu, cuprins în Numele lui Isus (Dumnezeu Mântuitor) ne aminteşte că noi îi datorăm Lui to­tul. Cu toate acestea, să nu uităm niciodată că El ne-a mântuit nu pentru noi înşine, ci pentru El însuşi (v. 14).




Şaptezeci de săptămâni au fost hotărâte asupra poporului tău şi asupra cetăţii tale sfinte.                         Daniel 9.24

 Săptămânile despre care se vorbeşte aici sunt săptămâni de şapte ani, nu de şapte zile. De când a fost dată porunca „pentru aşezarea din nou şi pentru reconstruirea Ierusalimului“ până la Mesia ar fi şapte săptămâni şi şaizeci şi două de săptămâni, un total de şaizeci şi nouă de săptămâni (Daniel 9.25 comparat cu Neemia 2). „Şi după cele şaizeci şi două de săptămâni, Unsul va fi nimicit şi nu va avea nimic“ (Daniel 9.26). Domnul a venit ca Mesia al lui Israel pentru a‑Şi primi împărăţia, însă poporul Său L‑a respins şi, prin cruce, L‑a trimis înapoi în cer fără nimic. La acel punct, cele şaizeci şi nouă de săptămâni profetice erau împlinite. Sfârşitul celei de‑a şaptezecea săptămână va aduce împărăţia (Daniel 9.24). La acea săptămână se face referire în Daniel 9.27.Va fi o „săptămână“ groaznică, în timpul căreia Satan va domina lumea şi o va atrage în răzvrătire; ea este cunoscută în general ca necazul cel mare. Ceea ce nu i s‑a spus lui Daniel a fost faptul că între săptămânile 69 şi 70 va fi o perioadă de timp de lungime necunoscută şi care, în prezent, a durat mai bine de 1900 de ani. Acesta este timpul în care noi trăim acum, timp în care Duhul Sfânt este aici jos, chemând oamenii şi făcându‑i mădulare ale lui Hristos, Capul din ceruri.Problema este că perioada actuală a adunării este întru totul trecută sub tăcere în această profeţie. „Timpuri şi perioade“ se aplică pământului, iar aceia care sunt mântuiţi în timpul actual al harului nu aparţin pământului; ei aparţin cerului. Dar cea de‑a şaptezecea săptămână se aplică celor „care locuiesc pe pământ“ (Apocalipsa 13.8). Credincioşii de astăzi sunt un popor ceresc – numai de‑ar realiza acest lucru! Ei vor fi chemaţi să plece atunci când numărătoarea timpului profetic îşi va relua cursul.S. Labelle





 Şi Cel care ne întăreşte împreună cu voi, în Hristos, şi care ne-a uns, este Dumnezeu, care ne-a şi pecetluit şi ne-a pus în inimi arvuna Duhului”.         2 CORINTENI 1:21-22

 Care este această ungere a Duhului Sfînt şi pentru ce avem nevoie de ea? Ungerea ne dă posibilitatea de a pătrunde lucrurile duhovniceşti. Una din lipsurile tragice ale Adunării lui Dumnezeu, este lipsa de discernămînt a puterilor spirituale care lucrează în lume. Rezultatul este că mulţi credincioşi trăiesc într-o nepăsare uimitoare, fără să deosebească în ceea ce văd, aud şi citesc duhurile premergătoare ale lui Anticrist. De aceea, cînd Domnul face să fie auzit Cuvîntul Său, ei dau adeseori dovadă de lipsă de înţelegere şi se împotrivesc mesajului Său. Rezultă din aceasta o întunecime spirituală de care ei adesea nu-şi dau seama.Ungerea ne face să pricepem vremurile, lucrurile şi valorile spirituale, divine sau satanice pentru ca, prin credinţă să ştim să vedem biruinţa finală a Domnului Hristos în luptele care se pregătesc. Ea ne smulge din toropeală şi deseori din voia noastră rea. Totuşi Dumnezeu nu ne-o impune; El, uneori, ne lasă să facem experienţe neplăcute. Dar dacă venim smeriţi la cruce ca să mărturisim atîtea întinări şi întunecimi spirituale, şi cerem curăţirea prin sîngele scump al Domnului Isus, El va răspunde dorinţei noastre de a primi această ungere.Ungerea protejează pe copilul lui Dumnezeu. Duhul Sfînt ne spune că sîngele lui Isus Hristos ne acoperă şi ne curăţeşte zi după zi. Dacă rămînem în părtăşie cu El, ungerea Lui ne apără de pericole. Atunci vom veghea la tot ce facem, ascultăm sau citim; prin ascultare de Tatăl nostru ceresc, ungerea Duhului Sfînt ne va impune o disciplină strictă. O viaţă creştină   uşoară   îi   face   pe   credincioşi   superficiali,   nedisciplinaţi   şi sentimentali.Ungerea dă celui credincios posibilitatea de a împlini slujba lui Dumnezeu aşa cum trebuie. Slujirea aceasta emană din Locul Preasfînt, unde noi primim tot ce ne trebuie direct din mîna Sa. Să ne cercetăm inimile şi cugetele pentru a vedea dacă avem această ungere a Duhului sau n-o avem, şi să ne rugăm ca Domnul să ne arate realitatea.Să nu confundăm ungerea cu Duhul Sfînt cu pecetluirea cu Duhul Sfînt. Aceasta din urmă o primeşte oricine se întoarce la Dumnezeu prin credinţa în Domnul Isus (Ef. 1:13) pe cînd ungerea cu Duhul Sfînt este plinătatea Lui. “Fiţi plini de Duhul” (Ef. 5:18).




 1 Octombrie

 Este spre binele meu că m-ai smerit.

(Psalmul 119:71)

Este un eveniment remarcabil al naturii că cele mai splendide culori de plante se găsesc pe cei mai înalţi munţi, în locurile cele mai expuse la intemperii. Cei mai minunaţi licheni şi muşchi, precum şi cele mai frumoase flori sălbatice, abundă sus pe piscurile bătute de vânt şi devastate de furtună.Una din cele mai minunate game de culori vii pe care am văzut-o vreodată a fost mai sus de marele Saint Bernard Hospice (Hanul Sfântului Bernard) lângă vârful de zece mii de picioare al Muntelui Cenis din Alpii francezi. Toată faţa unei stânci masive era acoperită cu licheni de un galben viu uimitor, care străluceau în lumina soarelui ca un zid auriu care protejează un castel încântător. În mijlocul singurătăţii şi aridităţii acelei mari altitudini şi expuşi celor mai puternice vânturi ale cerului, aceşti licheni etalau o culoare glorioasă pe care niciodată n-au avut-o la adăpost în vale.Când scriu aceste cuvinte, am două exemplare din acelaşi tip de licheni înaintea mea. Unul este din această zonă Saint Bernard, şi celălalt este de pe zidul unui castel scoţian, care este înconjurat de platani. Diferenţa dintre formele şi coloritul lor este de-a dreptul izbitoare. Cel crescut în mijlocul furtunilor puternice de pe piscul muntelui are o culoare galbenă minunată ca a unei primule, este lucios şi are o formă bine definită. Dar cel cultivat în mijlocul aerului cald şi al ploilor blânde din valea joasă are o culoare ştearsă, ruginie, nu este lucios şi are o formă indistinctă şi spartă.Nu este la fel cu un creştin care este necăjit, bătut de furtună şi lipsit de confort? Atât timp cât furtunile şi dificultăţile îngăduite de providenţa lui Dumnezeu nu bat asupra unui credincios iar şi iar, caracterul lui apare cu pete şi cu defecte. Însă încercările alungă efectiv norii şi umbrele, desăvârşesc forma caracterului său, şi dau strălucire şi binecuvântare vieţii lui.


În mijlocul listei mele de binecuvântări infinite

Stă aceasta cel mai în faţă, pentru care inima mea a sângerat;

Pentru toate Te binecuvântez, dar cel mai mult pentru cele grele.

                                                                                Hugh Macmillan

AICI DESCARCATI TOATA LUNA IN WORD:IZVOARE IN DEŞERT- Octombrie1973984_800642423331169_6936042592900379830_o




Text: Psalmul 119:49-56   


Orinduielile Tale sunt prilejul cântărilor mele, în casa pribegiei mele.                                      Psalmul 119:54

Să cânţi bine nu înseamnă numai să loveşti notele corect şi la timpul potrivit. H.V. Morton a descoperit acest lucru în catedrala  engleză Winchester. Împreună cu un grup de turişti, a urcat în turn ca să vadă clopotele. Ghidul le-a spus să ia fiecare câte una din frânghiile clopotelor şi să tragă de ele atunci când el va face un semn. Făcând astfel, fiecare la rândul lui, s-a produs melodia cântării: „Fii cu mine”. Ei au fost uimiţi, dar atât a fost totul. Ei au recunoscut melodia, dar nu se putea zice că au produs o muzica melodioasă.Viaţa creştină trebuie să producă muzică. Dar ea nu va reuşi numai prin respectarea în mod mecanic a unor anumite reguli. Ştim cu toţii că este bine să mergem la biserică, să dăm bani, să ne ferim de ucidere, adulter, furt, minciună, pentru că este mult mai bine decât să le facem. Trebuie să ascultăm de Dumnezeu, chiar şi atunci când nu am vrea s-o facem. Dar atunci când creştem în aprecierea pentru înţelepciunea standardelor lui Dumnezeu şi în dragoste pentru Mântuitorul nostru, vom descoperi tot mai mult că respectarea legilor Lui aduce bucurie, pace, şi un sentiment de mare înălţare.Putem avea acelaşi sentiment pe care îl are un bun instrumentist într-o orchestră bună atunci când cântă o simfonie de Beethoven. Plăcerea noastră devine împlinirea voii lui Dumnezeu. Când se întâmplă acest lucru, putem spune împreună cu psalmistul: „Orânduielile Tale sunt prilejul cântărilor mele, în casa pribegiei mele”. Vieţile noastre vor face o muzică minunată.                                                               H.V.L.

S-ascult de Domnul, la-nceput e greu,

Până-oi ajunge ca să am lumină;

Că tot ce cere-i spre binele meu,

Să-mi facă viaţa liberă, senină.       D.J.D

Nu poate exista o armonie a inimii fără notele vesele ale ascultării.




Octombrie 2014

Înaintea anilor de foamete i s-au născut lui Iosif doi fii, pe care i-a născut Asnat …                                  Geneza 41.50

Răspunsul glorios

    Întâiului născut, Iosif i-a pus numele Manase, care înseamnă „uitare“. Iosif a zis: „Dumnezeu m-a făcut să uit toate necazurile mele şi toată casa tatălui meu“. Şi cel de-al doilea fiu a primit numele Efraim, care înseamnă „rodire“, căci Iosif a zis: „Dumnezeu m-a făcut roditor în ţara întristării mele“.Poporul Domnului L-a desconsiderat pe Hristos, s-a lepădat de El şi L-a socotit în numărul celor fărădelege. Dar după ce Hristos Şi-a dat viaţa ca jertfă pentru păcat, a văzut o sămânţă de urmaşi, a văzut rodul muncii sufletului Său. Poporul iudeu a pierdut mult de tot, când a strigat: „Sângele Lui să fie asupra noastră şi asupra copiilor noştri“. Ei vor bea până la fund cupa vinovăţiei lor. Chiar dacă a fost lepădat de poporul Său, Hristos nu a pierdut nimic. Lucrarea Lui îşi are răspunsul glorios într-un mare seceriş de suflete, ca nisipul mării. Cine va putea să numere această mulţime mare de răscumpăraţi ai Domnului? Fericiţi sunt cei care fac parte din roada muncii sufletului Mântuitorului! Ei pot intona: „Vrednic eşti Tu …, căci ai răscumpărat pentru Dumnezeu, cu sângele Tău, oameni din orice seminţie, de orice limbă, din orice popor şi orice neam“.







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